Spring TV Is Over, Let's Get Crafty!

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Now that all your favorite TV shows have ended and summer is upon us, most of us are finding that we have a little time on our hands. Sure, in the era of Netflix, Tivo, and OnDemand TV we might have some of our favorite episodes stored, but who wants to waste even more time sitting in front of the tube. No, I'm not going to recommend that you spend more time in the yard or running on a path in your favorite park. Instead, I think that we should broaden our horizons and create...

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Now that all your favorite TV shows have ended and summer is upon us, most of us are finding that we have a little time on our hands. Sure, in the era of Netflix, Tivo, and OnDemand TV we might have some of our favorite episodes stored, but who wants to waste even more time sitting in front of the tube. No, I'm not going to recommend that you spend more time in the yard or running on a path in your favorite park. Instead, I think that we should broaden our horizons and create something beautiful for ourselves or for a loved one. Why not get involved in some kind of craft?

I once took a course in college that was entitled, "Leisure And Liberal Arts". I took the class because it had the word "Leisure" in it, but it was far from a blowoff. The class talked about how the population spends too much time working, and when they aren't working, most spent their spare time in front of the TV. The premise of the class was the idea of a world where people spent their spare time learning liberal arts, such as poetry, art, or learning to play an instrument. Nice idea, but who has the time right?

Well, getting setup in a local art class can take less time out of your day than you would think. Most people that I teach are surprised at how quickly they progress after just a summer course. It actually is quite amazing at the things that you can create with your hands when you give it a little focused effort. And as strange as it sounds, doing something that's out of your comfort zone or something that you weren't aware that you could do builds tremendous confidence. I have students that have branched into taking one course/class a year and over the past five years have built up some impressive skills, like piano or guitar. After just a few years, they become a regular renaissance man/woman!

So before you start tearing through your saved episodes on TIVO, open up the list of classes at the local community college and see what's available. While spending a couple hours may not seem like the best way to spend a summer, think about the beauty you'll be adding to the world when you're done with your first piece. Ah! My professor would be so proud!
