Title: Engineering Directory is an Invaluable Aid to Engineers and Businesses Word Count: 526 Summary: An engineering directory could save hours or even days of work for an engineer engaged in engineering work. Engineering typically involves finding alternatives available in the market and selecting those best suited to achieve desired objectives. Keywords: Businessmagnet Directory Ltd , Business To Business Directory Article Body: An engineering directory could save hours or even days of work for an engineer engaged in engineering work. Engineering typically involves finding alternatives available in the market and selecting those best suited to achieve desired objectives. <b>Engineering is a Complex Function</b> Engineering involves design and development of products or equipment, construction or operation of equipment and forecasting the behavior of equipment under different operating conditions. These activities seek to find how best <ul> <li>A function could be carried out, or</li> <li>Economics of operation could be improved, or</li> <li>Safety to life and property could be enhanced during use or operation.</li> </ul> The engineering function goes about these tasks by trying to find alternatives to existing components and ways of doing things and testing these under different operating conditions. <b>Examining Alternatives is a Key Engineering Activity</b> It would be obvious that achieving these kinds of objectives is a complex exercise and that an awareness of different solutions available in the market could help the engineer immensely. For example, a component using a new composite material might recently have been introduced in the market and if the engineer knew about it, the person could find an excellent solution to a persisting production problem. A specialized engineering directory that lists products by application could highlight such new solutions and bring it to the attention of the directory user (including our engineer). <b>Standard Directory Services</b> In addition to the kind of design and development help mentioned above, an engineering directory can help users to find sources for their regular business requirements. Good directories would be organized in a manner that makes finding things easy. A few typical examples can make this clearer. There might be an Automotive category with such sub categories like Paint & Finishes, Materials, etc; a Building & Civil category with Consulting & Design services and other relevant sub categories; and so on. The same businesses can also be categorized under Architectural, Communications, Quality Management, Reliability Engineering, etc for those who search along such lines. These kinds of categorizations seek to capture the complexity of the field and provide satisfactory solutions. <b>An Engineering Directory is a Niche Directory</b> It would be clear from the above that an engineering directory seeks to meet the special kinds of needs that an engineer is likely to have. It is thus a niche directory targeted to this group. Another kind of nicheness is seen when the engineering directory lists only suppliers from a particular country or region. Such regional directories focus to promote the engineering industry of particular regions. Additionally, regional directories help users to identify local or nearby sources for their requirements. <b>Conclusion</b> Engineering is a complex activity involving consideration of many alternatives to achieve desired aims. A source that could help the engineer become aware of different alternatives (such as components and solutions) available in the market can definitely help the person perform better and achieve better quality results. An engineering directory is such a source of information. It is typically organized to facilitate finding information in different ways such as by products, industries, solutions and functions.