Title: Trying out Adsdaq on Webicy.com - Part 1 Word Count: 131 Summary: Adsdaq is a new advertising exchange from ContextWeb. Its kinda CPM based advertising system so I thought of giving it a try and see how it works and how much I can make from it. Keywords: adsdaq,advertising,cpm,pay per click,affiliate and pay per click programs,internet,site reviews Article Body: Adsdaq is a new advertising exchange from ContextWeb. Its kinda CPM based advertising system so I thought of giving it a try and see how it works and how much I can make from it. Our site was approved in no time and i was able to set up the adzone. I have placed the ads in the forum and they are doing well. Adsdaq is placed at Tier 1 and I have adtoll in Tier 2 so Adtoll covers up in case there are no ads to display. The ads are placed below the navbar in the forum and i have used the 728×90 Leaderboard format. The fill rate daily is anything between 25-30%. In the next part I’ll be sharing the types of ads being displayed, number of impressions, fill rate, etc.