Best practices for eSales

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The eSales is applicable to several stages of the sales process: in prospecting while in a WEBinar, in the occasion of a presentation, preparing a submission, the review of a proposition , the negociation of a contract and lastily for the coordination of a project and the client's satisfaction follow up. In the last case, we refer to is correct to call eMeeting. It is also a wonderful tool for commercial training for new representatives and partners in eLearning.

web presentation, webcast, teleconference, webinar, internet video conference, audioconference,  webconference, web conference, emeeting, skype, software,training, sales, meeting, video conferencing, e-learning, customer loyalty

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eSales profits from personalizing the viewer meaning the entrance or lobby of the meeting room with a PowerPoint conceptual model which illustrates the client’s activity sector. A large array is offered among the Resources under SERVICE. In fact, the same model could be use for the presentation to a prospect. Depending upon the number of participants, you could decide between a telephone conversation or an audioconference service. The invitation is transmitted by e-mail with integration with most CRM applications. In the case of coworkers, the invitation could be done via Skype, followed by an attendance indication. 

Many Conferenceware functionnalities help to the success of eSale. First, a PowerPoint presentation and the screen sharing to hold a demonstration or display Word or Excel documents, for instance. Also, many presenters could intervene under the guidance of a conference master and each participant could be authorized to draw or write on a presentation. The presenter might transmit to the participants a screen saver with notes or any file or image, such as a proposal. Finally, the prospect’s opinion, but usually of his/hers circle of ‘influence’, could be requested through a mini questionnaire like one for the importance they give to your differentials in order to detect their buying criteria. 

Follow up
Conferenceware provides a detailed report of the participants to a WEBconference and their answers to the different questions.  In another matter, the integral recording of a WEBconference, voice and images, can be imported to your local disc and saved in the client’s file of your CRM software like an attached file to a contact. Replayed, it could be considered as a tool to review opportunities by a sales director or as a pedagogical material to train representatives, mainly to share better practices.