Female Business leaders becoming the norm

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janesmithston@gmail.comhttp://www.turkiyespot.com/marthastewart.com/</a>>Martha Stewart</a> who (when she's not in jail) also runs a home making tv show, magazine and book series which has a book value well over a billion dollars. 


Examples of smaller businesses founded by female entrepreneurs include <a href=http://www.turkiyespot.com/canadianbusiness.com/rankings/w100/list.jsp?pageID=profile</a>&profile=48&year=2007&type=profile&listType=W100>henderson bas </a>, and online marketing firm founded by Dawna Henderson. Dawna also recently led her company to be partially acquired by multinational conglomerate MDC partners – more information about the acquisition is available at the New York Times article: <a href=http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9C07E2D8113AF934A15757C0A9629C8B63</a>&n=Top/Reference/Times%20Topics/Subjects/F/Finances/> MDC Partners acquires stake in henderson bas</a>.


Many women still face discrimination in the workforce and business though. Women statistically earn less than men; this decreases their ability to walk away from a job to start their own company. Many people still maintain age old stereotypes that women are inferior to men in performing specific tasks, making it difficult for women to start businesses in male dominated fields.  Nevertheless, there is no question female leadership in businesses is growing: Women are now 2x as likely to start a new business than men are. In other words, women are becoming the powerhouses of new economies, creating money and jobs all over the world.