How to Create a Better News Release

Word Count:

You can get a better response from reporters and editors, if you follow a few simple guidelines in writing your news release. Appropriate content, an interesting headline, a packed first paragraph, polished wording, using a standard format, and by being prepared for questions.

release, news release, press release, media coverage, media relations

Article Body:
Many organizations and businesses want media coverage of their activities, and at the same time many newsrooms are looking for local (or even national and international) topics to cover. If you're belong to an organization that wants coverage, you can increase the odds of getting it by following a few simple news release (or press release) conventions.

First, you must have something new or different to say. As the name News implies, the media want information that's new or at least updated. At the same time, reporters and editors want information that's relevant to their readers; choose your media targets carefully, and tailor the content of the release to their audience).

Second, your headline should be as interesting as a newspaper headline. It should promise something new, dramatic, or timely. Make the editor or reporter want to know more. Remember, though, the claim should be credible and relevant.

Third, in the first paragraph of the body, get in what journalists call the Five Ws: Who, What, Where, When, and Why. In fact, try to get them into the first sentence, and if you can't, at least start with a clear concise statement that summarizes the story.

Traditionally, reporters have tried to get the essence of every story into the first paragraph because they didn't know where, or whether, their stories would be cut. So, they start with the most important information and end with the least important. That way, no matter where the story was cut, the best material stayed.

Fourth, write and rewrite your news release many times before 'releasing' it. Use active verbs and transitions (from sentence to sentence, and paragraph to paragraph). Boil down the content as much as you can; two pages is acceptable, but one is better.

Fifth, follow this standard format:
At the top of the page, write this, in all caps: 
(Usually this will be left-justified)

Or, if you want the release to be held until specific date/time, write something like this: 
(But don't necessarily expect the embargo to be honored)

Skip a line and then put in contact information, as in: 
Contact: Robert Abbott 
Telephone: 403 555-1234 
Email: robertabbott@anycompany.comrobertabbott@anycompany.com