Low Interest Credit Cards: Are You Still Paying Too Much? Word Count: 471 Summary: You may think that the rate you are paying on your current credit card is low, but chances are it isn’t the lowest rate you could be paying. 0% interest rate credit card offers are still available…do you have one? If not, why not? If you don’t have a low interest credit card in your wallet, you may be missing out on a great way to save yourself hundreds of dollars per year. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can find a low interest credit card today. Contact Your C... Keywords: low interest credit cards, low interest, credit card, 0% interest rate, credit cards, apply online Article Body: You may think that the rate you are paying on your current credit card is low, but chances are it isn’t the lowest rate you could be paying. 0% interest rate credit card offers are still available…do you have one? If not, why not? If you don’t have a low interest credit card in your wallet, you may be missing out on a great way to save yourself hundreds of dollars per year. Let’s take a look at some of the ways you can find a low interest credit card today. Contact Your Current Credit Card Company. Once in awhile, consumers can persuade their current credit card company to give them a lower rate. Unfortunately, most credit card companies will not budge much on their current rate to you or the rate they agree to give to you is not the lowest available rate going. What a hassle! While you don’t have to get rid of your current card, shopping for a new one is probably the easiest and most pain free way to secure the lowest rate. Shop For A New Card. Speaking of new cards, there are hundreds of credit card providers, each of whom wants your business. With bankruptcy laws tightening and consumers shopping more carefully, the competition for customers has sharpened. For smart shoppers, it is a “buyer’s market” when it comes to finding a low interest credit card that meets your needs. Rewards cards are popular and so are credit cards such as Citibank’s Citi Simplicity card which doesn’t charge you late fees. Compare the various offers out there to select the card that is right for you. Consolidate Debt. If you already have several credit cards and owe money on each one, consider getting a new low interest credit card with a fixed rate. Many will allow you to transfer balances from high interest credit cards -- which are currently charging you 17.9%, 21.9%, or even 24% or more per year -- to their low interest rate credit card for a small fee. You can also ask the new credit card provider to waive their balance transfer fee for even greater savings for you. In addition, some will agree to give to you a low balance transfer rate [for example, 6.9%] for the life of your balance. As you might guess, you can potentially save hundreds of dollars per year with this type of an agreement. In all cases, if you don’t have the lowest rate available, just ask your credit card provider for it. If they are not interested in giving to you a 0% percent rate, start shopping for a new low interest credit card today that is right for you. Take charge of your finances: you have nothing to lose, but plenty of money to gain…what’s in your wallet?