Making Your Business’ Credit Card Work Smarter Word Count: 448 Summary: Credit cards are convenient financial means for hundreds of millions of people all over the world. However, personal use is not the only way credit cards come in handy. Credit cards can also be a major benefit for covering business expenses. If you own your own business, you may want to consider applying for a business credit card. Most credit card companies offer a number of options for companies interested in opening a business credit card. The type of business credit card ... Keywords: Business Credit Cards,Best Credit Card,0% Credit Cards,Low Interest Credit Cards,Credit Card Service Article Body: Credit cards are convenient financial means for hundreds of millions of people all over the world. However, personal use is not the only way credit cards come in handy. Credit cards can also be a major benefit for covering business expenses. If you own your own business, you may want to consider applying for a business credit card. Most credit card companies offer a number of options for companies interested in opening a business credit card. The type of business credit card your business applies for may depend on the size, age, income and financial needs of your company. Business credit cards typically have larger credit limits than personal credit cards. This is because businesses typically have a larger budget than an individual person or family would. Businesses can handle larger credit lines because they can keep up with larger payments. Many credit card companies offer business credit card customers a variety of rewards programs that can help their company appeal to businesses trying to select which of the many credit card companies to do business with. Larger companies may have more leeway than smaller companies in shopping around, doing research and selecting which company has the right program for them. Most credit card companies are quick to sign on large companies as customers because they know they will be able to keep good credit and most likely be able to stay on as long term, loyal customers. Most credit card companies also offer business customers low interest rates and in some cases a 0 APR credit card. Even though most of the time the 0 APR applies only for an initial period of six months to a year, this can be a huge selling point for any size business. Large companies and corporations are not the only businesses that use credit cards though. Small businesses can find it extremely convenient to apply and receive a small business credit card. Small business credit cards are ideal for small businesses that need a way to manage the many finances that a small business can face. For small businesses just starting out, a small business credit card can be a great way of getting the business on its feet. Handling initial expenses with a small business credit card will allow a small business owner to begin business, make a profit, and pay for expenses in monthly payment increments rather than having to foot huge bills all at once during a time where expenses will surely be high. No matter what the size of your business, a business credit card can be a great choice for you. Business credit cards help companies manage finances, cover expenses and survive in the competitive business world.