Profiting from 0 Interest Credit Cards Word Count: 427 Summary: This article describes how to earn income from 0 interest credit cards. Keywords: 0 Interest Credit Cards,0 APR Credit Cards,0 APR Credit Card Article Body: Everyone knows that credit cards are synonymous with debt. However, many people are taking advantage of 0 interest credit cards and making a profit. You just have to learn how to do it before you start. There is no reason whatsoever to make small profits if you are already paying out large sums of money on other debts that you already have. You must first pay off all your high interest credit card debts to benefit. You must pay close attention to when the introductory offer expires with 0 interest credit cards. If you pay off all your debt prior to the expiration, you will, of course, be saving money. When using 0 interest credit cards you must try to forget about them and only use them when it is absolutely necessary. You do not want to incur a large debt that you cannot pay back prior to the expiration. Be sure you have a good credit rating prior to starting on your adventure with 0 interest credit cards. Now, look for credit card companies that are offering a 0% interest rate. You can find some that offer 0% for six months, 9 months and even some up to a total of 12 months. Here’s how to profit from the use of 0 interest cards. First, transfer the credit limit available on your 0 interest credit card into your bank account as a direct transfer or as cash. Now, transfer the balance you have on your other credit card onto your 0 interest credit card as well, in order to pay off your balance on that card. The money you just received should go into a high interest savings account at your bank. Do not touch this money until your 0% percent is about to expire. You will still owe the money that you transferred on to it, but you will be earning interest on the money in the bank. You will now be able to pay off the balance with the money in the bank and have as well as a chunk of earned interest for yourself. Remember, for this to work, you cannot run up your payments or charge more on your other card. As long as you have an excellent credit rating, this will work wonders for your bank account and your wallet, if you pay very close attention to the expiration of the 0 interest credit cards before they begin charging the higher APR’s. If you do not remember to pay it off prior to the expiration of the 0% interest introductory rate, then you will find yourself owing money at a higher interest rate.