Dealing With Your Debts Word Count: 462 Summary: Managing your debts is probably something that you keep putting off. It is pretty difficult to do when the creditors continue to call. And call. And call some more. It is about time you quit hiding, and start dealing with your debts face to face. There are steps that can be taken to assist you in managing your debt, and clearing your name from the creditors phone list once and for all. The first thing you should do is develop a budget. This is a crucial part in eliminating... Keywords: debts,debt,law,money,banks,credit,financial,management,loans,internet Article Body: Managing your debts is probably something that you keep putting off. It is pretty difficult to do when the creditors continue to call. And call. And call some more. It is about time you quit hiding, and start dealing with your debts face to face. There are steps that can be taken to assist you in managing your debt, and clearing your name from the creditors phone list once and for all. The first thing you should do is develop a budget. This is a crucial part in eliminating your debts. It also assists in helping you take control of your current monetary position. You need to first examine your set expenses such as mortgage, car and rent payments, insurance co-payments and premiums,etc. Then list your other costs such as entertainment and recreational activities. You must prioritize these expenses and determine whether or not you have enough money left over each month to donate to your debt reduction efforts. Another option in reducing debts is to increase your monthly payments on credit cards. When you pay more than the minimum payment, a greater sum of money is applied towards the overall account balance. In the end, this will cost a person less money in interest. If you add just a few extra dollars each payment, the number of payments of each loan or credit card can be decreased. What does this mean for you? Decreasing the amount of payments made lowers the sum an individual pays in interests and in fees and charges. When attempting to manage your debts, you should contact your creditors immediately. Occasionally, if you let creditors know that you are attempting to eliminate your debts, credit companies will decrease your card interest rates. Also, if you are having problems making monthly payments, let the creditor know, and many will arrange a specialized plan for you. Consolidation is a significant option in reducing and managing your debts. Having numerous high interest loans, high interest bills or credit cards causes you to spend more money for the items that were purchased then they were actually worth.If you are a real estate owner, think about a second mortgage or even a home equity loan. This will eliminate the high interest rate debts. However, beware. Most of these types of loans will require you to put up your house as a source of collateral. If you fail to make your payments, you could very easily lose your home. Credit counseling may be the perfect solution for managing your debt. Most credit counseling services assist you in coming up with a logical option for eliminating debt. These organizations can provides a variety of services such as, debt managing advice, and classes and workshops aimed towards money management, debt consolidation and budgeting.