Debt Consolidation Tips— avail the loan in a wise manner Word Count: 483 Summary: Debt consolidation tips offer vital suggestions about how you avoid having another financial burden when you have taken a decision to avail a loan for the consolidation of debts. Read the article for the tips. Keywords: Debt consolidation tips, Bad credit debt consolidation loans, E Debt consolidation loans Article Body: Fast expanding economy and facilities like credit cards or other means allows the modern day buyers the liberty to purchase almost every thing they set their eyes on. As a net result, the debt mounts on and to pay that more money is borrowed and more debt accumulates. This vicious circle can be broken only when one decides to follow debt consolidation tips well. We offer you some vital suggestions here. First of all do some calculations regarding your debt. See how much of total debts can you pay right away to lessen the burden. Debt consolidation tips are required because you have accumulated many high interest rate debts. So find out your high interest rate debts to separate them from the debts you can eliminate on your own. This approach helps you in arriving at the exact amount you are going to borrow and this saves you from borrowing larger than required money. Then approach your lenders and tell them that you are in a financial mess and see if they can help. Or, consult some credit counseling agency that will negotiate with your lenders on your behalf. This way your loan payments may be made easier for you. You will need to put collateral with the lender at the time you ask him for the money. Collateral is vital in deciding in how much an amount you can borrow and at what interest rate. An amount anywhere from £ 3000 to £ 75,000 is what lenders normally offer under secured debt consolidation. Make effort to put a high value collateral. You may not be asking for a big amount but you must aim at having a lower interest rate. High value collateral goes a long way in bargaining for the desired low interest rate. The equity in your home, put as collateral, gives you an interest rate lower than credit cards and such equity loans are tax deductible also. Take special care of the loan term and avail the loan for shortest possible repayment duration. You will not like to go on paying those repayment installments for say forty years. However, if you want to pay the debt consolidation loan in a shorter duration then you must keep the borrowed amount as low as possible and to the level that pays off the debts. In case you opt for taking unsecured debt consolidation loan then the amount and interest rate you get will depend on your credit score and financial capacity. A better credit score always helps in lower interest rate in secured debt consolidation as well. So, an important debt consolidation tip is that you get your credit report done from a reputed agency. Following these basic debt consolidation tips carefully you can get rid of all that huge burden of high interest rate debts. Concentrate on how you can get a lower interest rate because that is why you opt for the consolidation.