Debt Help - Debt Consolidation Loans Versus Credit Counseling Word Count: 354 Summary: Debt consolidation loans are a do-it-yourself process, whereas credit counseling helps you to make financial decisions. If you already have a financial plan, then you probably don’t need the services of a credit counselor. However, if you have questions or need help with a budget, a credit counselor can offer valuable help. What Debt Consolidation Loans Can Do For You Debt consolidation loans can reduce the interest rate you are paying on unsecured debt, like credit car... Keywords: Article Body: Debt consolidation loans are a do-it-yourself process, whereas credit counseling helps you to make financial decisions. If you already have a financial plan, then you probably don’t need the services of a credit counselor. However, if you have questions or need help with a budget, a credit counselor can offer valuable help. What Debt Consolidation Loans Can Do For You Debt consolidation loans can reduce the interest rate you are paying on unsecured debt, like credit cards, and lower your monthly payments. You can choose to use an equity loan with its tax deductible interest or a personal loan. Many lenders offer competitive rates, which you can find by researching companies online. A loan gives you more control over interest rates and payment schedules than with other options. Not only can you get low rates, but you can decide to take longer than five years to pay back your principal. By taking longer, your payments are lower, giving you financial breathing room. However, a debt consolidation loan should be part of a larger financial plan that includes budget planning and long term financial goals. If you don’t have these things in place, you may find yourself in deeper financial trouble by taking out a loan. What Credit Counseling Can Do For You Credit counseling provides confidential financial planning for a low fee. In a non-judgmental atmosphere, a credit counselor can help you define your financial goals and plot a course to get there. They may suggest a debt consolidation loan, debt consolidation program, or other financial options. They will educate you about the pros and cons of each to help you make a decision. Credit counselors are familiar with all types of financial programs, so they may point you to little known sources for help. They may also help you realize immediate savings by helping you to reduce expenses or lower interest rates on some of your bills. Credit counseling is really an investment in your financial future. You get a quick crash course on your finances with practical answers. By getting expert help, you can save your credit, saving you thousands.