Debt Relief Part 1 Word Count: 389 Summary: Are you swimming in debt? Would you like to find a way to get of debt and stay out of debt? Read more if you answered yes to either of these questions. Help is just a click away. Keywords: Debt,credit card debt,debt consolidation loan, debt management,consolidate debt,debt relief,debt help,credit card debt consolidation,debt reduction,business debt,debt settlement,debt consolidation ser Article Body: Most of us will face some type financial crisis in our lifetime. It may be caused by personal or family illness, loss of your job, or just overspending. Whatever reason, the first thing that must be done is creating a budget. Make an income column and list all sources and the amount of income. If the income is from a salary at work, only include your bring home pay, not your gross. Only bring home or net pay is available to spend. Next, make an expense column. In this column, first list what is called fixed expenses. These are things that you have no control over. Home mortgage, electric bill, insurance, vehicle payments, taxes etc. are expenses that occur each month and must be paid on a timely basis. Now, list all other things you spend money for each month. Everything! Yes, no matter how small amount or how insignificant it seems, it is an expense. Look at the total of income and the total expenses. The expenses probably scare you, but you can take control with some planning and possibly a little restructuring. The next step, ask yourself is just how bad is the situation. If it is minor, then adjust your budget accordingly. The main thing is to make the budget and adjust and then stick to it. Don’t fudge. That will put you right back to where you were. There is no instant fix. You did not get her overnight and you will not recover overnight. It takes discipline. The focus on my business is teaching people to follow their dream by becoming debt free and remaining debt free. We should not be a slave to our bills or debt. Most programs deal with managing your money, paying the bills but remaining in debt, broke and unhappy. I have discovered some cool videos that is filled with FREE information that will train you to take $300 and turn it into $30,000 in 6 months. That alone could get you out of debt, but there is even more video training available that could put you in financial position to retire in 12 months. I know that sounds too good to be true, however it is possible. You must believe you can do it and work at it until it happens. Get all 3 parts of this report by visiting my website.