Debt Relief Part 3 Word Count: 703 Summary: Are you swimming in debt? Would you like to find a way to get of debt and stay out of debt? Read more if you answered yes to either of these questions. Help is just a click away. Keywords: Debt,credit card debt,debt consolidation loan, debt management,consolidate debt,debt relief,debt help,credit card debt consolidation,debt reduction,business debt,debt settlement,debt consolidation ser Article Body: Debt Consolidation: Your goal in debt consolidation is to lower your overall costs. To accomplish this, you must get the lowest interest rate possible. You also need a plan to pay off your debts in 3 to 5 years. It will not be instant. Remember, you did not get here overnight so plan on a realistic time frame. If you have a good credit rating, you may qualify for a low interest credit card as discussed in the credit card debt section. When shopping for a new credit card, be careful not to apply to more than a couple because they will do a credit check and if too many credit checks shows up on your credit report, it will hurt your overall score. Once you get the new care, transfer balances from the high interest card to the new low interest card. Destroy the old cards so you won’t be tempted to use them. Close the accounts as soon as they are completely paid off. A home equity loan is another way to consolidate credit. If you won your home and have some equity, you may qualify for a home equity loan. Talk with your mortgage company as there are several types of home equity loans. They may offer a loan for a fixed amount for a fixed time at a fixed rate. Meaning that you know how much your interest will be as well as how much your monthly payments will be and exactly how many months before the loan is paid. The second type is a home equity line of credit. Your mortgage company will determine the equity in your home and set up a pre-approved credit limit. Interest is usually variable and you can get money at any time if you have not reached the credit limit of the line of credit. These loans can offer good rates and most of the time the interest is tax deductible if you itemize. Many mortgage companies offer low or no closing cost for this type loan. One word of caution, if you can’t repay the loan your home is at risk of foreclosure, so proceed with caution. Talk to mortgage companies about refinancing your home and take the difference in the amount of the new loan and the amount you owe on your home and pay off your debts. Be sure your new monthly mortgage payment is within the budget you prepared at the beginning of this report. Make sure you understand the total cost of refinancing. When you pay off these debts, remember not to start creating more debt. The objective is to get out of debt. Strict discipline is necessary here. If you feel uncomfortable in making decisions as to what approach to take, consider credit counseling. Credit counseling agencies help you get out of debt. They work with your creditors to come up with a plan and you make one payment each month to the agency and they actually pay your bills. Don’t be late paying the agency. Most require a automatic debit from your checking account each month, so make sure the money is in the account. These plans usually are for a period of 3 to 6 years. Be careful and check out the agency you work with. If they are not reputable and pay your bills late, or not at all, it is still your responsibility to pay the debt. The focus on my business is teaching people to follow their dream by becoming debt free and remaining debt free. We should not be a slave to our bills or debt. Most programs deal with managing your money, paying the bills but remaining in debt, broke and unhappy. I have discovered some cool videos that is filled with FREE information that will train you to take $300 and turn it into $30,000 in 6 months. That alone could get you out of debt, but there is even more video training available that could put you in financial position to retire in 12 months. I know that sounds too good to be true, however it is possible. You must believe you can do it and work at it until it happens. Get all 3 parts of this report by visiting my website.