Debt Settlement Agencies Word Count: 330 Summary: According to a Federal Reserve Study more than 43% of all Americans spend more than they earn. That's quite a large number of people. However this means that 1 out of every 100 families will probably file for bankruptcy in their lifetime. Debts should be taken only if you are sure that you can repay those debts. Else your interest costs will keep mounting and you would be taking more debts just to repay the old ones and falling in a classic case of debt trap. However in th... Keywords: debt settlement Article Body: According to a Federal Reserve Study more than 43% of all Americans spend more than they earn. That's quite a large number of people. However this means that 1 out of every 100 families will probably file for bankruptcy in their lifetime. Debts should be taken only if you are sure that you can repay those debts. Else your interest costs will keep mounting and you would be taking more debts just to repay the old ones and falling in a classic case of debt trap. However in this financial age, where almost anything can be bought on EMIs on monthly installments, you can also settle your debts in monthly installments. This is also one of the reasons why people purchase almost everything including furniture, baby food, and home furnishings on credit, which they find they are unable to pay. The cumulative amount gets bigger and bigger and they find themselves in a soup. However debt settlement can help you to tide over those problems. There are specialized agencies, which can reduce the tenure of the payments, the interest charges and make sure that creditors stop bothering you for the unpaid amounts. They may however charge a fee dependent upon the amount of debt that you may have. Debt settlement agencies or negotiators are willing to help you settle all types of loans, however they are called more to settle credit card debts. America as a nation is prone more to spending on credit rather than in cash. Then the credit card balances are unpaid and this is when the trouble starts. You can even find debt settlement agencies online and get a quote from them. Be wary of fly by night operators and ask for references when dealing with debt settlement online agencies. Dependent upon various financial considerations, debt reduction can wary for people. Some people may get their debt reduced by 20%, some 50% and still others by 70%. Therefore it's important to negotiate with the debt settlement agencies before you sign them up.