Debt Settlement American Style Word Count: 329 Summary: When debt becomes very big, people land in a soup, where there are unable to pay the debts. Its estimates that almost 43% of all Americans have taken debts, which they find difficult to repay back. In fact the majority of their debt is credit card debt. It's fairly easy to get a credit card in the US even with a bad credit report. However even then, many people are unable to repay the amount on their credit cards. Its very simple for people to charge their credit cards for... Keywords: debt settlement Article Body: When debt becomes very big, people land in a soup, where there are unable to pay the debts. Its estimates that almost 43% of all Americans have taken debts, which they find difficult to repay back. In fact the majority of their debt is credit card debt. It's fairly easy to get a credit card in the US even with a bad credit report. However even then, many people are unable to repay the amount on their credit cards. Its very simple for people to charge their credit cards for goods and services like vacations, monthly groceries, clothes and furniture and a multitude of other things. Many people pay only the minimum balance required and roll over the amount to another month. In this way, they are incurring charges, which they don't see. Interest charges on credit cards can be quite steep. Thus this balloons into a huge debt. Other debts include being late on mortgage payments, car loan payments, payday loans etc. Thus when the debts gets too big, then one can use the services of a debt settlement company or negotiator. There are innumerable debt settlement agencies. You can even get a quote from them online. The basic aim of the debt settlement agency is to lower the amount of the debt, reduce the interest charges as well as reduce the tenure payments. They can also help in making the creditors stop the calls. Often when people are behind in their payments, creditors will call them or visit them to intimidate them to pay up early. This kind of harassment can also be stopped by the debt settlement agencies. Of course they might charge a commission or a fees dependent upon the value of your debt. They can get the debt reduced to almost 75% of the amount. However all cases are taken up on an individual basis. Therefore debt can be settled at 50%, 75% or 60% etc. You need to negotiate with the debt settlement agencies before you employ them.