Get Out Of Debt With These Simple Tips Word Count: 320 Summary: When it comes to debt, you definitely are not alone. Debt has become a way of life especially after major holidays where consumers rack up credit card debt. Here are simple ways you can keep out and stay out of debt. It involves disciple to follow these steps and get out of debt. Write down your goals and how you intend to achieve them. This debt plan will simply state that you are committed to get out of debt. You did not get into debt overnight so there is no instan... Keywords: credit counseling, debt consolidation Article Body: When it comes to debt, you definitely are not alone. Debt has become a way of life especially after major holidays where consumers rack up credit card debt. Here are simple ways you can keep out and stay out of debt. It involves disciple to follow these steps and get out of debt. Write down your goals and how you intend to achieve them. This debt plan will simply state that you are committed to get out of debt. You did not get into debt overnight so there is no instant way of getting out either. However, the correct plan will have you become debt free with some patience and persistence. Debt reduction program Most people are not disciplined enough to help themselves get out of debt. This is when you need professional help from debt consolidators and credit counsellors. Credit counselling If you are floating in multiple credit card debt, a credit counsellor can help you consolidate multiple high interest rate credit cards into a single manageable payment which means you can use the money saved to pay off your debts faster. Debt consolidation loan If you own a home, the best way out might be to consider a home equity loan to pay off your debts. However, be advised that you need to diligently pay off debts and no fall into a downward spiral. Debt settlement If none of the above are working for you, consider debt settlement as a resort. Debt settlement is the most aggressive of all resorts and you must only consider if you have bankruptcy in the back of your mind. With this option you will be able to pay off all your credit card bills at savings of 50% or higher and get out of debt faster. It might additionally help to review your credit report and review items listed in your credit file. Any incorrect entries should be promptly reported to credit agencies.