Using consolidation loans to solve credit problems Word Count: 382 Summary: The consumer borrowing debt in the UK has reached records levels and more and more people are looking for ways to reduce and manage their credit. Keywords: expatriate, finance, debt consolidation Article Body: The consumer borrowing debt in the UK has reached records levels and more and more people are looking for ways to reduce and manage their credit. Whether you are purchasing a new car, booking a holiday or going on a spending spree and are using credit to buy these items, there comes a time when you must pay the credit back. This is where a lot of people come unstuck and often end up in financial difficulties. One way to help to clear outstanding credit is to take a consolidation loan. Consolidation loans can be a good way to help people pay off bills and clear debt. Banks, credit unions, finance companies and other lenders grant consolidation loans so that people can pay off a car, credit cards, medical expenses, student loans or whatever outstanding debt a consumer owes. Consolidation loans can be beneficial as the interest fees for a consolidation loan are often less than the finance charges of other debts. When people consolidate their bills through a loan, they also have only one loan payment to make each month rather than numerous smaller payments to various creditors. A consolidation loan can be a smart idea, but once a consumer has consolidated his or her debt through a consolidation loan, it is imperative that they not take on any more debt. What tends to happen is that people pay off many of their bills, so they're no longer receiving large monthly bills from retailers and major credit card companies. They begin to feel like they don't owe as much money as they did before, after all, the balance due on all those bills is zero! Many people start to use one or two credit cards, and before long owe several hundred pounds in addition to their consolidation loan. Consolidation loans can certainly be beneficial. The key to success with a consolidation loan is discipline. Once someone has consolidated their debts, they must maintain the discipline it takes to stop spending with credit. If they can't, they will often end up in deeper debt than before. If you are considering taking out a consolidation loan, seek financial advice before doing so. Taking out a consolidation loan is a way to help you out of your credit problems, not to get into more.