How to Find The Right Car Loan Word Count: 401 Summary: When you have been searching for a quality vehicle but your loan has been denied for one reason or another, you may begin to believe that all is lost and give up your search for car financing. Keywords: loans, uk finance Article Body: When you have been searching for a quality vehicle but your loan has been denied for one reason or another, you may begin to believe that all is lost and give up your search for car financing. Well, not all is lost, there are many financing establishments available, that specifically cater to those who have been turned down by others in the past. Many of these places will outright encourage anyone with damaged or poor credit to apply for car financing. Many establishments will finance you even if you have some incriminating items upon your credit card. Say for example, you are in arrears on your mortgage or perhaps in arrears on your council tax, it is still likely you will find someone to finance a quality and dependable vehicle for you. Many companies specialize in helping people just like you receive financing for a vehicle regardless of things like CCJ’s or payment defaults. Even if you do not have a credit history, these companies will help you get started. It is extremely difficult for those that are Self-Employed to receive financing for a vehicle. Unless you own a multi-million dollar company it is likely you will have some problems in gaining finance, never fear there are finance companies out there for you as well. When searching for a finance company that offers financing to those with damaged or no credit there are a few things you should look for. First, make sure the company is reputable and has a solid history of finance; you will want a company that is experienced in their field and has an excellent record. Additionally, you will want a company that has excellent customer service that is both personal and professional. You will want a company in which you can depend on to help you through every aspect of financing the vehicle you want. Look for a car finance company that can offer you incentives for using their services, for example, cash back or an excellent vehicle trade in program. You should also insure that the company has a wide variety of vehicles to choose from, do not opt for a company that can only offer you a few cars, choose one that can offer you hundreds of vehicles. Make sure that the company inspects each car with a strict plan; this plan should include the car structure, mechanical, as well as electrical aspects.