Mortgage Rates

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One of the most common things that borrowers ask lenders to lenders is what their rates will be.


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One of the most common things that borrowers ask lenders is what their rates will be. The rates a lender has is very volatile, it is not always the same. So the lender will always have to wait via fax, E-mail or a secure website for the rate sheet that comes from their company.  Because it is volatile the rates could even change 5 times in one day. As a borrower you have no right to see the rate sheet, this is basically the advantage or a way for the lenders to do the business. The rate sheet will always show the interest rates and the cost expressed in points. A point is equal to one percent of the loan.

The cost of the rate usually vary depending on the interest rates, higher rates are cheaper compared to lower rates. This is done because it helps the lender to earn more over the interest for the period of the loan, so lenders charge less cost. When customers want a lower interest rate, they are charged with higher cost because lenders will earn fewer in the longer period of the loan.

The point system would usually work in this way: Zero points mean par value or pricing. The numbers in parenthesis means “premium” or “rebate”. Premium or rebate means that the money is paid back to the loan officer or where the loan originated at a rate instead of having a cost. 

The loan officers are paid by commission. The earnings of the loan officer and the branch are split between them. The fees that are not subject to the points are not split up and instead directly go to the branch. 

Before giving you his quotation price, the lender will add on the profit he and his branch would like to make. Don’t worry however as there limits are set by the company as how high or much he or she can add to his cost. For the lender, he or she should not worry about the limitations because between the minimum and maximum there is a great deal of flexibility.

An example of this situation is when the loan officer wants to earn 1 point. When he gives you the quotation, it will already include the one point to the cost of the loan. So if the lender has 7.125% of interest rate, the lender will earn 1 point and have some left over money. The left over money is then used to pay the processing fees and the documents. 

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