Real estate investing gives work at home mom (wahm) home business opportunity

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Work at home real estate investing home business opportunity enables work at home mom (wahm) to receive $25,000 from her son's real estate investing home business by controlling real estate without a credit check, never taking ownership, and getting $25,000 cash in four hours using the phone and internet. Read this article now...

work at home, real estate investing, home business opportunity, wahm, business

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"Son gives Real estate investing work at home mom (wahm) $25,000 GIFT from home business opportunity"

Real estate investing can offer anyone women the home business opportunity to work at home and become a wahm themselves. 

Just ask Mary Wozny, who says "It was a wonderful surprise! I'm sure not many mothers or other wahm's can top getting a cash gift like this from a home business opportunity". 

Real estate investing allows you to work at home. 

Mary who now has several wahm's as students, states, “real estate investing is a home business opportunity for anyone that is fed up with a job and having to answer to 
a boss, or even wants some more cash in their bank.”

An interesting home business opportunity indeed. 

Using one creative real estate investing method alone allowed her son, Brad, to contract a property below market pricing with a no risk clause in Detroit. 

Even better, he didn’t require a credit check, and sold the contract to another buyer for $25,000 cash.

Best of all, Brad, from Canada - did this from his home office! “That’s how people can work at home, or become a wahm, with this home business opportunity, and generate vast sums of money through real estate investing,” says Brad.

As if that’s not enough, the buyer immediatley wired half the funds into their corporate bank account. 

All told, Brad estimates he put just four hours into the deal. “People need to understand, this is truly their ideal home business opportunity. We live in a virtual world now. 
Women definitely can become a real estate investing work at home mom (wahm). In under an hour a day, they can have this fantastic home business, and be real estate investing anywhere."

What's more, Brad points out you can do this regardless of your credit or cash situation.

The basic strategy Brad employed is called an Assignment of Contract. It is generally used when people want to generate thousands or tens of thousands in cash from 
property quickly. 

The benefit of this real estate investing technique is you don’t need a credit check. You don’t need to go through the normal paperwork required to close a property. 

And you get your money up front. Brad & Mary are endorsed by Mark Victor Hanse, co-creator of "Chicken Soup for the Soul" Series. Why not learn more about this home business opportunity for yourself. Perhaps someday soon you'll be working at home, or even become a "wahm" yourself.

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