Title: Personal Debt Consolidation Loan - No Assets Required To Get Your Debt Under Control Word Count: 593 Summary: Debt has a way of growing if it isn't brought under control. Credit cards in particular can be hazards to your financial health. However, if you are ready to overcome your debt problem, a personal debt consolidation loan may well be the answer you are looking for. By consolidating all your credit cards and other debts into one unsecured personal debt consolidation loan, you can increase your monthly disposable income so that you have more money available for the things you ne... Keywords: personal debt consolidation loan Article Body: Debt has a way of growing if it isn't brought under control. Credit cards in particular can be hazards to your financial health. However, if you are ready to overcome your debt problem, a personal debt consolidation loan may well be the answer you are looking for. By consolidating all your credit cards and other debts into one unsecured personal debt consolidation loan, you can increase your monthly disposable income so that you have more money available for the things you need and want to use it on. Debt consolidation will also save you money in the long term because these loans tend to be lower cost than credit cards. Furthermore, you can access this wonderful resource without risk to your assets. You have probably been struggling with debt for some time and no doubt have considered options for solving your problems. What has stopped you from taking action? Financial stress can be very paralyzing. We can spend our time trying to solve immediate problems only to find that next month we have to do the same thing. Unfortunately, this focus on getting by for another month instead of changing the entire circumstances keeps us in bondage to high debt costs and financial lack. The simple decision to use a personal debt consolidation loan to pay out all other non-mortgage debts will alleviate financial stress immediately. There are four steps to breaking free of the high costs of debt: 1. ACKNOWLEDGE. The first step is to acknowledge that you have a problem that needs to be fixed. Sometimes we can just plod on and avoid facing the truth that life doesn't have to be this way. There is a solution to your financial stress; you just have to identify it. 2. TAKE ACTION. Nothing will change if you don't take action. Fear can sometimes prevent us from doing what we know we should. Particularly, when we are in debt and feel stupid and embarrassed about it, we don't want to seek help for fear of ridicule and derision. You have enough to cope with and don't feel you can cope with anything else. However, taking the time to look for a low interest, low fee personal debt consolidation loan which can solve your problem, is a non-threatening activity that can take you closer financial freedom. Once you become fully aware of the products on the market and have decided on which one would be best for you, you can apply online if you are embarrassed. Lenders market personal debt consolidation loan products because a lot of people are in trouble with their credit cards. Don't let fear stop you taking action. 3. ASSESS. Once you have combined your debts into one personal debt consolidation loan, pay attention to your spending patterns and stick to a budget. Try to include savings for emergencies or any planned items so that you will not need to fall back on credit. After the first month of your new financial plan, assess how you have done. Be honest. Have you stuck to your budget? If you have gone off the rails, what was the temptation? 4. ADJUST. Once you identify your problem areas, adjust your budget to suit. If you overspent by going out and you didn't include entertainment in your budget, you need to change your budget. You won't stay with it if you don't get any personal pay-offs. If you take these steps to improve your financial circumstances, you are guaranteeing that you will be debt free at the end of the term of your new personal debt consolidation loan.