Things You Ought To Know About Credit Card Offers Word Count: 615 Summary: The credit card has long replaced bills and coins as top instrument of payment, mainly because it is easy to use, widely accepted, and relatively safe to carry along. People no longer need to bring attaché cases full of $100 dollar bills if they want to buy an expensive jewelry or piece of high-tech equipment. They just flash their card to pay for something. When traveling, you are assured that whatever happens, you have a credit card to rely on. Without the plastic, you will... Keywords: credit card, apply for a credit card, credit card offer Article Body: The credit card has long replaced bills and coins as top instrument of payment, mainly because it is easy to use, widely accepted, and relatively safe to carry along. People no longer need to bring attaché cases full of $100 dollar bills if they want to buy an expensive jewelry or piece of high-tech equipment. They just flash their card to pay for something. When traveling, you are assured that whatever happens, you have a credit card to rely on. Without the plastic, you will have to bring cash, which almost always attracts robbers and pickpockets. Because of the popularity of credit cards, many banks and financial institutions are competing with each other to get more and more people to use the cards that they are offering. Fortunately for us consumers, we get to choose which company gives the best credit card service that will fit our needs. Since there are many credit card offers in the market, you will surely find one that is appropriate to your budget and lifestyle. Here are some of the hot credit card offers you might want to consider: Cash Rebate In order to attract customers, many credit card providers, particularly banks, offer cash rebates. For example, you get one dollar for every 100 dollars you charge to your credit card. The rebates can either be deducted from your total bill or can be added to your available credit limit. Points System for Frequent Flyers Many credit card companies form an alliance or partnership with airline companies to provide their customers additional points that customers could use to exchange for vacation getaways or airplane tickets from the said airline groups. If the customer buys a plane ticket from their credit card provider's affiliate airline, they will not only get more points, but will also get huge discounts. Some airlines also provide travel insurance if you use their credit card to purchase airline tickets. Gender Focus There are many banks around the world that provide a special credit card for women. The special privileges, discounts and perks that are packaged with such cards are particularly designed for women. For example, they provide one free obstetrician or gynecological consultation per year. Sometimes, they offer gift certificates from shoe stores, salons, gyms, clothes and jewelry shops. Zero Percent Interest Another offer that is popular to customers is the 0% interest scheme. Usually, the zero interest is only limited to a specific period, such as one month, three months, or six months. In this type of offer, your credit card company will not charge any interest on the things that you acquired for a certain period. This is a good offer, but you must be sure to ask how much interest will be charged to you after the promo period. Extension or Supplementary Cards Although almost all credit card providers offer at least two supplementary cards for one principal card, only few offer free extension card membership. Thus, if you would like to give your son, wife or daughter an extension card, you might want to look for the company that offers free membership for such cards. Perks and Discounts From Affiliates You can get huge discounts, special treatment, rebates or freebies from partner establishments of some credit card companies. Thus, if you have a favorite restaurant or a preferred shop, you might want to choose a credit card company that has partnership program with your much loved stores and shops. Since there are many credit card companies that are more than willing to provide you with their credit card service, it is only but wise to choose the card that offers you the things that you need and gives you the best service and savings.