How To Stop Spambots Harvesting Your Email Address

Word Count:

Now we all hate spam and anything that can be done to reduce it is very worthwhile.  This is not rocket science and a basic knowledge of html and how to cut and paste will see you protected from the spambots.  All we are going to use is a bit of javascript.

web, design, email, spam, spambots, html

Article Body:
It’s an unfortunate thing, but the internet certainly has its share of unscrupulous people.  In my opinion, the worst amongst these are those that deploy software robots to roam the web and harvest email addresses from web pages.  These addresses are then collated into huge databases and sold for the purpose of spam.  

Now we all hate spam and anything that can be done to reduce it is very worthwhile.  This is not rocket science and a basic knowledge of html and how to cut and paste will see you protected from the spambots.  All we are going to use is a bit of javascript.

First, open Notepad or any text editor and then copy and paste the following into the file.

/* This script provides for a straightforward email address in a web page.
In your web page add the following:-
<script type="text/javascript">blocker("insert first part of email address")</script> */
function blocker(name) 
var domain ="yourdomainname.com";
	document.write('<a href="mailto:' + name + '@''@''@''@''@''@'@