Are You Burnt Out?  Then Maybe Its Time To Get Out.

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Are you burnt out from your everyday job?  Do you have a long commute that has you away from home for two or more extra hours a day?  Are you missing 
out on activities and functions that were once a large part of your life and who you are?

Have you reached a plateau in your job and know that there is no where else for you to go.  No more promotions that come with substantial raises, no 
more having to schmooze the higher ups to work your way to the top.  Now that you ar...


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Are you burnt out from your everyday job?  Do you have a long commute that has you away from home for two or more extra hours a day?  Are you missing 
out on activities and functions that were once a large part of your life and who you are?

Have you reached a plateau in your job and know that there is no where else for you to go.  No more promotions that come with substantial raises, no 
more having to schmooze the higher ups to work your way to the top.  Now that you are there, that’s it.  Do the days look less and less appealing to you know since there are no real challenges for you.  You’ve made it, what else is there.

Maybe you are tired of the long days a top executive has to put in.  Sometimes nine to five isn’t in your cards.  If you make it home by seven then you’ve had a good productive day.  With a top position come top responsibilities.  You may have been up to the challenge in the beginning but are now tired of the burden that befalls you on a daily basis.  Are you tired of dealing with staff who show up late or not at all, who do sloppy work, or who can’t seem to make a deadline, then maybe its time to pull yourself out of the corporate rat race and start thinking of a home business.

Do you have what it takes to do it?  If you have the ‘I can do it’ attitude then you are on the right track.  It’s all fine and dandy if you have the knowledge in one particular area, but to be successful you need to be able to wear all hats, from marketing to secretarial and even accounting.  This may come as quite a shock to some people but if you can’t or don’t learn to do these tasks your business could potentially fail.

Another important thing is figuring out what type of home business you want.  Are you good at or interested in network marketing?  Maybe you have or use a particular product that you wholeheartedly believe in, if so, sales might be better suited for you.  Do you have a financial cushion that can get you through the first couple of months until your business is generating a regular income?  A lot of people get into a home business opportunity with an unrealistic expectation that they are going to strike it rich overnight.  This doesn’t happen and if you don’t have any fallback money you could find yourself in trouble.

Are you a social butterfly or do have more of the anti-social type personality?  A home business is just that, you are at home with no outside communication.  Some days can get extremely lonely, especially when you are used to regular everyday chats around the water cooler.  You may want to join some neighborhood groups or even a gym so you are not isolated all the time.  Also, stay in touch with your co-workers, you never know when you may 
be in need of a contact in your old profession.
There is nothing set in stone about how home businesses work.  Once you get yourself into a daily routine and find that you have more productive days than non productive days you will wonder why you didn’t take the home business route earlier.  Sometimes it takes total burnout from your profession before realizing that enough is enough.  Your health, sanity and happiness are far more important than a top executive position.  It may take years to realize it but you will know when the time is right.