Article Submission Software - Think Three Times Before You Buy One

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Article marketing has been one of the most commonly used strategies to build traffic and backlinks from various sources. If you only intend to submit your articles to a few article directories or newsletter groups, it is no doubt you can comfortably do it manually. However, if you intend to get across your stroke of genius through hundreds of article directories, it will definitely be a daunting experience to submit your article manually. In such a situation, article submissi...

article submission software, article marketing, article submission

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Article marketing has been one of the most commonly used strategies to build traffic and backlinks from various sources. If you only intend to submit your articles to a few article directories or newsletter groups, it is no doubt you can comfortably do it manually. However, if you intend to get across your stroke of genius through hundreds of article directories, it will definitely be a daunting experience to submit your article manually. In such a situation, article submission software has great benefit for those people who want to shower their articles through many channels. Nevertheless, before you spend your hard-earned money to buy the next article submission software, there are a few things you must take into consideration.

1. Degree of Automation
As we all know, automation is the priority of choosing article submission software because it will help us to reduce a great amount of work. However, different software has different extent of automation. Some may provide a fully automated submission just with a few press-down buttons. Whereas, the others may provide a semi-automated submission, which requires you to register every single article directory before you can submit your articles. This will be tedious work before you can begin submitting your articles to hundreds of article directories but later the software will save you a lot of time since it will save your username and password. Even so, you still have to log into each article directory by pushing the submit button each time you submit your article. Even more tedious is that you may have to choose a category before you can submit your article. If you can bear the additional workload, semi-automated submission software can work best for you because the result can be much better and more organic since you choose your own category.

2. Quantity and Quality of Database
The second thing you must take into consideration is the numbers of article directories and thier reputation that your article submission software contains. The truth is that quality is more important than quantity. Some software may contain a few hundreds of article directories but most of them may have zero page rank. Even though page rank is not the sole indicator of high ranking and traffic, it does tell you something about the reputation of an article directory. Ask your software producer whether they include the most well known article directories such as Go Articles and Ezines. A better-known article directory also helps you to distribute your article to other webmasters inasmuch as more webmasters will come to these websites to look for resources to put in their websites.

3. Numbers of Categories
Finally, you must ask how many categories your article submission software provides for you to submit your article. I know some article submission software may help you to choose your category automatically. Of course, this will reduce your job tremendously but their results may not be as good as those of choosing the categories manually may. Some software may provide you just a few broad categories. In such a case, it will largely reduce the relevancy when submitting your article, thus reducing the chance of your article being accepted. These three aspects will help you to think three times before you choose your next article submission software.