Capture Your Prospects Now!

Word Count:

After six months of hard work you finally completed your apprenticeship on Website Development, Site Promotions, Traffic Building, and Internet Marketing. Your SEO campaign was programmed to all the Internet marketing Guru's knowledge and advice. Your website looks and appears like it was developed by the leading web design company in the industry.

Page Rank and back links are now pointing to your website like a three foot laser beam coming from the heavens above.

You h...

website development, site promotions, traffic building, internet marketing, website, web design, Pag

Article Body:
After six months of hard work you finally completed your apprenticeship on Website Development, Site Promotions, Traffic Building, and Internet Marketing. Your SEO campaign was programmed to all the Internet marketing Guru's knowledge and advice. Your website looks and appears like it was developed by the leading web design company in the industry.

Page Rank and back links are now pointing to your website like a three foot laser beam coming from the heavens above.

You have successfully prepared your website to rank supreme and establish your presence as a successful money making Internet Home Business. Your website offers excellent products with good values.

As the sun goes down and the day comes to an end, you back-out of your day by surveying your daily sales records. The bottom line of your ledger reveals that traffic is respectable, but your daily sales are weak when compared to your traffic volume. Your prospects click on your sales link but fail to complete the transaction. What is the problem you ask?

To evaluate the strength and power of one's website ability to actively generate significant revenue, you first must understand what forces your prospect to reach for their wallet.

When a prospect visits your website, they will skim over titles and phrases seeking pertinent information that may have relevant interest to them. Possible solutions and desires for solving their problems remain their main objective.

Remember one thing here that is paramount, we all have the American Dream of winning the Lottery, and or, successfully making money on the Internet working from home.

Have you ever seen a lottery jack pot rise to $200 million dollars? Camera crews from network Television stations sometimes camp-out at lottery ticket stations to interview wanna-be winners. They regularly ask the ticket holders what they initially intend to do with their winnings if their numbers are selected. These ticket holders are excited emotional with the anticipation with acquiring massive amounts of money and the personal rewards that come with it.

What these wanna-be lottery winners perceive in their minds are the primary solutions to their unresolved problems or desires. Just by purchasing a lottery ticket and winning all your present problems and desires will be solved.

Smart Internet marketing Guru's apply the same tactics while trying to lure their prospects into purchasing their products.

Power words, power marketing phrases, and trigger words now all come into play to entice the prospect to purchase now.

Words and phrases that tug on your heart strings and won't let go ultimately heighten your curiosity. These words and phrases emotionally place your mind in a state of seeking a practical resolution that may solve your problems and actively accomplish your dreams.

It's all about the WORDS, folks! Trying to convince a prospect about how outstanding your product might be has never played an important role for any successful business.

Convincing a prospect that your product will resolve, aid, enhance, develop, cleverly save precious time, save money, etc. will overwhelmingly increase your sales.

Painting a picture of unexpected success by using power words, power phrases, and triggers into a prospects mind will increase your odds dramatically. Some of the worst products that were ever developed became a sales success due to their marketing campaign. The advertiser had placed a perceived value of their product into the prospect mind using the power of words.

Using the proper selection of power words and phrases to display on your website will become your ultimate sales force and should be considered as Golden Nuggets in a desolate field of rocks.

Stand back sometime you have a moment and evaluate yourself. Ask yourself the question: What makes you willingly purchase a product that you never heard of before? Exclude all meaningful name brands or recognition by your friends. What really captures your attention and peaks your curiosity? Is the advertiser bragging about their product? Is there product new with people standing in line to eagerly purchase it? Or just maybe because it's just cutting-edge technology and a must have?

What if the advertiser of the website proclaimed:

... Take your business to a new and exciting level
... Achieve success instantly
... Boost your online commissions
... Claim all FREE bonuses Today
... Don't spend another dime until you read this
... Exciting ways to make money
... Explosive information
... Financial Freedom
... Get thousands of visitors to your site using this simple Secret Method
... Make massive money
... Maximize your profit potential
... Outsell your competition
... Save hundreds of hours of time
... Seriously increase your profits
... Simple technique
... The fastest way to your success of making money online is
... You can generate more sales
... Yours FREE

These types power phrases motivate your prospects thinking regarding a relationship between their problems and your solutions.

Don't just take my word regarding power words and phrases, simply reread the above phrases and see where your thoughts go.