Get Rid Of Clutter

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Waiting for a New Year's Resolution to sort out the clutter that's been there ages ago? You should act now or it will continue to pile up and would mean more work for you when you begin to straighten it out. Consider this, a clutter left there would mean a waste of money since it is costly to clean it, costly to store it, and costly if you don't use it. Throwing out things may be difficult for some people because it might bear a certain emotional value. But on the more practi...

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Waiting for a New Year's Resolution to sort out the clutter that's been there ages ago? You should act now or it will continue to pile up and would mean more work for you when you begin to straighten it out. Consider this, a clutter left there would mean a waste of money since it is costly to clean it, costly to store it, and costly if you don't use it. Throwing out things may be difficult for some people because it might bear a certain emotional value. But on the more practical side, do you really need it?

Start sorting things one room at a time so that you can have a feel of the things that you need and don't need. Never get tempted to jump to another room. It will just worsen the clutter you've made in the previous room.

First of all, prepare three trash bags labeled with the following - "Trash","Donate" and "Recycle". Even though trash is already trash, some items can be recycled and you can probably earn a little bit of profit from it. The "Donate" bag is for those items that are still in good condition and someone else might still use them. You can hand this down to none profit organizations, charitable institutions and shelters which can be a good morale booster. The "Trash" bag is a bag for broken and tattered items, expired items, etc. These items should go straight to the garbage bins since these are unusable.

Tips on the how to determine if you should throw it:

On Clothes and Shoes

o If you are not comfortable wearing it or if it's too tight to wear.
o If those shoes can give you blisters and hurt your feet.
o If the style will be returning 10 years from now and you'll likely end up buying something new.

On Display Items and Decors

o Figurine and other display decors that don't fit your theme.
o Plastic flowers and vases that's been ages old and need to be replaced by more vibrant ones.
o Souvenirs or giveaways from debuts and weddings that's just accumulating dusts.
o Picture frames and pictures that has faded over the years.
o Diplomas and certificates these may be worth keeping in a safe place.

On Other Items

o Expired medicines, make-ups, and cleaning aides
o Outdated magazines and newspapers
o Broken or cracked items.

Organizing the Sorted Stuff

Measure the shelves on where you plan to put your containers.
Acquire boxes or plastic containers that fit perfectly on your shelves.
Categorize and Label your boxes or bins so it would be easier for you to find something.

Organizing may entail a lot of work but this will definitely reflect a positive attitude towards your day. Waking up on an organized pad would always be the best motivator to be on the go and to face our daily tasks.