Put Your Talents To Work For You

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For many different reasons people find themselves out of work, whether by layoff, termination or retirement. Looking for another job in a tight job market can be an exercise in futility and many times, you may just want a part-time job to help fill in the gaps of time. Why not take what you learned over the years and offer your services as a freelancer?

Whether it is writing, designing or consulting, there is a growing base of companies that need help, but cannot afford to...


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For many different reasons people find themselves out of work, whether by layoff, termination or retirement. Looking for another job in a tight job market can be an exercise in futility and many times, you may just want a part-time job to help fill in the gaps of time. Why not take what you learned over the years and offer your services as a freelancer?

Whether it is writing, designing or consulting, there is a growing base of companies that need help, but cannot afford to hire a full-time person. They also may not need full-time help and can use an extra hand, or mind, during seasonal explosions in business. Retired executives are in demand as management consultants to help fledgling businesses learn from professionals who have been there and done that.

If you give it enough thought, there will be hidden talents that you used in your previous jobs that can be beneficial to another company, even if on a limited basis. This can be especially helpful for someone who recently retired and may just want a reason to get out of house. Or, if it’s raining and they can’t play golf.

Previous retail managers, for example may be able to help with store sets or with inventory control. Depending on their strengths in their previous work history, they can put those strengths as a consultant to new retailers. Small operations tend to shoot from the hip when looking at their product mix and an experienced operations or merchandising manager can offer them help to improve per-visit sales by their customers. Not everyone who owns or operates a retail outlet, or even an internet store, has the marketing savvy needed to increase customer sales.

Getting customers into the store can be another possibility for a former ad executive, or even someone who work in the advertising department of the local newspaper. If you have experience designing prints ads, many companies may be able to use your experience on a contact basis. When they need a new ad, you can put it together for them, get paid for your work and move on to the next contract customer.

In the age of the internet, freelance writers are always in demand to produce crisp, clean copy for web sites and sales letters for online retailers. Persons with a graphics background may be able to pick up a little extra work designing web sites, and even more if they understand the language to get them on the internet.

Everyone develops experience of some sort when they work and taking stock of your experience asset can be a plus in finding work, or even starting your own home-based business.

Take some time and asset your talents. Write them down on a piece of paper. You will be pleasantly surprised at the opportunities that come up as you brainstorm. Once you have identified your skills, hone in on the ones that you enjoy the most. You will be most successful when you pursue your passion.

Good luck and stay the course!