SERP - Search Engine Results Position

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Have a Website? Want More Visitors? You need High SERP so that searchers find your website in the top 20 results position.
If not listed High Up you are losing a lot.

serp, search engine results position, optimization, links building, 1 way link, 3 way link

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What is SERP
A search engine results page, or SERP, is the listing of web pages returned by a search engine in response to a keyword query. The results will include a list of web pages with titles, a link to the page, and a short description that will show how the search keywords have matched in the content of a website page. A SERP may refer to a single page of links returned, usually ten websites. However, you can increase the number of results returned by specifying either 10 or 20 or 30 or 50 or even 100 in Google! search query.

Why High Position in SERPs
If you have a website, surely there is a reason for you to have published it. The basic reasons are to establish your business presence, to earn some money by selling your products, to make Business Information available, to establish your presence in the business that you are involved in. Many more reasons can be listed but we shall leave it at that.

Consider the following facts:-
	a) 85% of all web sites are found through the search engines
	b) 99% of users search only the top 20 engines
	c) 91% of all users VISIT ONLY THE FIRST PAGE of search results
In view of the above 3 facts, it is necessary that your website appears high up in serps to achieve your aim

How to achieve High Position in SERPs
To achieve high position in Search Engine Results you have to:-
a)	Ensure that the website page is optimized as per norms set by a Search Engine. This contributes around 30% to your webpage being ranked high.
b)	Ensure that you have sufficient links to your website page. This is a major of the two factors contributing about 70 % to achieving high position in serps. However, do not aim at getting links at too fast a rate. Ideally, it should be 10-15 per week. Too fast a rate is considered as spam by search engines. Do not aim at linking to websites that have only high Pagerank. This also is considered as artificial. Check a website for its content before exchanging links with it.

Though, the task of link exchange involves a lot of time and effort by way of 1) searching for link exchange websites, 2) visiting them to find if they are suitable, 3) emailing them with link exchange request or submitting link exchange request by filling up their form, 4) publishing their link at your site, 5) visiting the page where they have published your website link to verify the link exists and 6) to regularly visit their links page to verify the link to your website continues to exist. This is necessary as a lot of websites delete your link after some time.

To make your task of link exchange easier there is a website http://turkiyespot.com/toptenserp.com</a>. The membership is free for one website. You have to just once enter your website details. After that you will continuously get 1 way links regularly at a set pace. Visit the site to see where some members links page rank.