Working From Home Gives You Freedom

Word Count:

Working from home in a home business can give you the freedom to work your own hours, freedom to think for yourself, freedom from traffic jams and freedom from office politics.

The rewards can be high if you can manage to separate your working life and your home life. 

Case Study:

My brother moved into his house about six months ago in Leicester. He asked me for my help in setting up his home office. From a side door in his kitchen you can access the driveway which l...

work from home,working from home,freedom,home office,home business,

Article Body:
Working from home in a home business can give you the freedom to work your own hours, freedom to think for yourself, freedom from traffic jams and freedom from office politics.

The rewards can be high if you can manage to separate your working life and your home life. 

Case Study:

My brother moved into his house about six months ago in Leicester. He asked me for my help in setting up his home office. From a side door in his kitchen you can access the driveway which leads to his garage. 

We made the walk from his kitchen to his garage totally sheltered from the weather. Plastic sheeting at an angle eight feet above means that the walk from his side door to his office is always dry. He also no longer brings any muck into the house as there are now mats at the entrance of both the kitchen and his garage.

We rewired his garage (I shall call this his home office from now on) and placed half a dozen twin sockets all the way around the walls. We added some beautiful blinds to his home office. 

We floored his garage and painted the walls. We installed wireless, high speed broadband which means that everyone can access the internet everywhere in his office and his house. We purchased a wireless printer so that anybody can print without being physically connected to the printer. 

We purchased brand new desks and office leather chairs. We bought a couple of beautiful plants and some lovely pictures for the wall. We purchased new filing cabinets and some drawer units that slide under his desks. We ordered a water cooler for his office which should arrive shortly. 

His home office is now complete. Total cost was just over two grand. Now it means that his work and his work life are separate. If he gets any visitors they do not need to enter the house to have a meeting with him. 

Owning a business and running it from home can be rewarding but most people who work from home end up working far more hours then they used to before. Often the reason for this is because often when they are doing certain tasks it doesn't even feel as if they are working!

The only problem is that just about the time when your income gets to the point where food prices don't matter, calories do!