Title: Another bullet in the cake? Word Count: 2573 Summary: Investigative reporter Donal MacIntyre explores the disturbing rise of the racist and anti-semitic music industry across North America and Europe. MacIntyre discovers 'hate rock' music is attracting young people and has ties to ultra right wing movements." This is Viking's review of the documentary. Keywords: Viking Francesca Ortolani Hate Rock White Power MacIntyre Investigation producer Neil Mackay Five Article Body: Another bullet in the cake? No, this time I eat the cake. I finally saw "Hate Rock" the long awaited - actually 23 hours download - documentary about us. The presentation of the documentary seems much harder than what the video says in reality. Before watching this video I asked for impressions to people who saw it on the cable in the US and all their comments have been very negative. I was caught days ago while answering to some questions on the phone. I classified this documentary as antifascist propaganda, because this is what it seems reading the introduction on the websites (SMG productions and Discovery Times) and this is how people described the show to me. I have to say instead, after watching the work, that it is a "documentary" and not the ultimate show about the "absolute evil". If I ever missed anything or did not understand anything or if you just want to post a comment (including the expected "go to hell"), you can send a message to my forum (you don't need to register) or to my email address: viking@ashtree.org