Dress Your Family For NFL Games

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How can you tell if someone is a Green Bay Packers football fan? He is the guy wearing a green and gold shirt with a slice of cheese perched on the top of his head. If he is a family man his cute little baby is drooling onto a Green Bay Packer's bib. He smiles at his four-year old daughter who has on a green and gold cheer leading outfit even though the Packers have no official cheerleaders. Everyone in the family is wearing NFL licensed clothing. The five best selling items ...

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How can you tell if someone is a Green Bay Packers football fan? He is the guy wearing a green and gold shirt with a slice of cheese perched on the top of his head. If he is a family man his cute little baby is drooling onto a Green Bay Packer's bib. He smiles at his four-year old daughter who has on a green and gold cheer leading outfit even though the Packers have no official cheerleaders. Everyone in the family is wearing NFL licensed clothing. The five best selling items in one of the pro shops are all shirts. Four of them have Brett Favre's name on them. Reebok owns the licensing rights to make and sell the shirts along with other products..

About a half-hour before game time the doorbell rings. His wife opens the door for friends wearing her green and gold sweatshirt with Brett Favre and the number four on it over jeans. They all stop in the kitchen for beer and snacks on their way to the family room where they turn on the game. Win or lose, most people in Wisconsin are fans of the Green Bay Packers.

Now if you peek inside the back of the neckline of those sweatshirts etc., they had better have the right tags on them. There is a hologram which assures you that it is a licensed product. From a short distance away its hard to be sure. There are dishonest people out there on street corners peddling cheap knock-offs of the real thing. It is tempting to a lot of folks to buy them since the price of "the real thing" is sky high. Imagine the amounts spent on these licensed products. Winter jacket from $100 to about $500. We won't even contemplate the price of the leather one. Unless -- Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, are you reading this? Under his jacket the man wears a sweatshirt, licensed also. If lucky enough to be attending the game in person, he has to park himself on a cushion with the proper logo. Matching hat and even gloves are available. In winter he huddles under a blanket which of course has a big team logo on the back. Only his face peeks out from under that Green Bay Packer licensed stocking cap.

Not only in Wisconsin, but those wild Texas Cowboy fans and the people screaming advice to their Denver Broncos are all clad in the proper t-shirts to show their loyalty. There hasn't been a heavy metal helmet available for sale to the Minnesota Vikings fans -- yet. That will certainly give the Wisconsin cheeseheads some competition. All these products add to the fun of cheering for a favorite NFL team. It does make holiday shopping easier. The boys who wouldn't get excited about pajamas would be pleased to get pajamas with their team's logo on them. For the man of the house who seldom vacates his recliner during the weekend an exercise warm-up suit with logo displayed front and back. Choosing gifts for children's teachers and family gifts young kids can afford to buy there are key chains for all teams, glass drinking mugs filled with peanuts and showing the logo. Posters of favorite players to decorate their rooms and for the person impossible to buy for - a tree ornament featuring their team logo. But trust me when I say, the lady of the house will not be ecstatic over a football decorated tablecloth for the dining room.

Meanwhile, back to the well-dressed family in Wisconsin. The game ends, the Monday morning quarterbacking begins. Everyone returns to the kitchen. After laying out green plastic forks, football plates and napkins they all enjoy the large football shaped cake she purchased at the neighborhood grocery store...