Title: Changing The Dreaded Commute Word Count: 380 Summary: How do you change something that you have become so accustom to dreading and turn it into a positive experience and force in your life? Many of you would look at this ad think that it isn’t possible. But, in a few simple steps there is a way to turn your commute into a healthy and fulfilling experience. So you ask, “What will I do about it?” The answer is complicated by what is realistic to do and what you are willing to do. Let's take distance. It's not realistic to think... Keywords: commute, stress, relax, advice, health, travel, car, techniques, weight, Article Body: How do you change something that you have become so accustom to dreading and turn it into a positive experience and force in your life? Many of you would look at this ad think that it isn’t possible. But, in a few simple steps there is a way to turn your commute into a healthy and fulfilling experience. So you ask, “What will I do about it?” The answer is complicated by what is realistic to do and what you are willing to do. Let's take distance. It's not realistic to think of how to shorten the distance if you continue to work for the same company and you are not willing or can't change companies. So, what to do? Actually, there are a number of things that can be done to make the travel more comfortable, less taxing and even beneficial! And this is true for anything that is making the commute difficult. Attitude, or perception, is everything. Without a good attitude, everything is harder - paying the bills, cleaning the bathroom, even traveling to work. When we look for problems, we find them. I am suggesting that the first and primary change that will help bring a good commute is working on changing your attitude toward it. Remembering that you did choose to take this job that is X miles from home actually puts you back in control of the situation and takes you out of the victim role. If you're like most of us, you will feel empowered by using your right to choose. A change in attitude might have you view your commute as something that you chose to undertake in order to allow you a pleasant home environment while still making an acceptable or good salary and advancing your career. Just so we are clear, the bad attitude might go something like this, "I hate driving all this way to work. I wish I could retire. What's the use of having a nice house when I don't have any time to spend in it?" Can you feel your shoulder muscles tighten just reading this? Alternatively, a good attitude might say, “Because I live this distance from work, I can live in this community, in a beautiful house of my choosing.” Just watch those muscles relax.