Title: Hypnosis And The Unlimited Power Of The Mind Word Count: 1236 Summary: Do you realize that self hypnosis can be used to make dramatic, lasting changes to your life? The hpynosis state can be used to unleash your unlimited potential. Would you like to learn how? Keywords: hypnosis, self hypnosis, personal development, goals, personal growth, self improvement, self help Article Body: The power of your Mind is truly awesome. You can use your mental powers to achieve success that, up until now, you have only ever dreamed of. It is a Universal truth that life tends to move you towards the physical equivalent of your predominant thoughts and feelings. A great many people are well aware of this fact but most find it extremely difficult to apply this knowledge and put it to work effectively in their lives. Are you one of those people? If you are, then do not worry because I am about to show you how to overcome this little problem. <br> <br>It seems to most of us that our thoughts are random, sometimes erratic and beyond our control. Our emotions truly do run us most of the time. When we have an emotional response to a thing we tend to go into automatic thinking as the subconscious programs in our mind take over. All too often these programs are just rehashed memories that create negative emotions and negative thoughts that hinder us from moving in the life direction that we really want. Our dominant thoughts and feelings are usually negative in nature due to the conditioning that has taken over on this planet. <br> <br>The real power you wield is the conscious ability to change your dominant automatic thinking. By doing so you can ensure your feelings and thoughts are more positive in nature, more aligned with your desires and are therefore creating the life experiences that you want. This may sound like a tall order but there are many great techniques and tools to accomplish this. One of the best tools to recondition your mind for success is self hypnosis. <br> <br>Hypnosis has been used by wise men and women for centuries to create relaxed physical and mental states and condition the mind to respond differently to outside stimuli. It is just as relevant and effective today as it ever has been. In fact with technological breakthroughs and advances in mind conditioning it is possible to create profound lasting change with self hypnosis recordings. <br> <br>Many of the new recordings, by the best hypnotherapists, include binaural beat technology which entrains the brain to enter into specific mental states ideal for learning and reconditioning, and NLP exercises. There are a great many recordings that are of poor quality, both in their sound and their suggestions, so beware. However, ther are some excellent pre-made sessions on subjects that are as varied as the people who use them. <br> <br>It is, however, possible for you to enter a hypnotic trance by yourself and then give yourself carefully chosen post-hypnotic suggestions, with just as much power as any hypnotist. These can be a list of simple affirmations that you mentally repeat while in the deeper stages of trance. I find it better to use pre-made recordings or have my own custom hypnosis CDs made as I like to let my mind wander during the trance state. <br> <br>The trance state is so relaxing that most times you don't really want to leave it as the conscious mind becomes extremely lazy while hypnotized. This is why I prefer pre-made sessions or to visit a trained hypnotherapist. <br> <br>However, if you prefer to perform your own hypnotic session, which many people do, you must first ensure that you have a clear intention about your purpose and the objective you have in mind before you enter into a hypnotic state. Ask yourself what you want to achieve from the hypnotic session. <br> <br>You can use self hypnosis and post hypnotic suggestions very effectively to make any mental or emotional change you can think of. <br> <br>Once you have decided what it is you want to achieve from your hypnotic session write a few affirmations that reflect your desires. Make sure you word these statements in the first persona and also in the third person, as though you were talking to someone else with your name. For example if you wish to develop more confidence you would write "I grow more confident everyday" and "[state your name] you grow more confident everyday". <br> <br>Also form a mental picture of what that new confident you looks like. Imagine how you will feel when you have that new found confidence. Exactly how does that "other" you walk with confidence? How does that "you" talk with confidence? How does the "other you" react to everyday life, stressful situations and other people? How does that confident you think, dress and what is their approach life? <br> <br>This picture is very important. During trance you will picture that confident you standing before you and bring it to life in your mind's eye. Then you will step into this confident you and actually become that person. Afterwards you should recite your affirmations while thinking, feeling and imagining you walk, talk, dress and approach life as this confident "other" you! <br> <br>This form of self hypnosis incorporates NLP and is used to directly program your subconscious so that it will help you create that confident you in the real world. The affirmations act as post-hypnotic suggestions which reinforce the NLP work and ensure your subconscious mind holds the correct "self-talk" that you are constantly involved in during the day. This inner dialogue can make or break a person and it is important to program your mind with positive messages. <br> <br>To create a state of trance in order to perform these mental sequences is quite easy. First find a quiet restful place where you will not be disturbed. Once there sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Keep your head looking straight ahead and lift your eyes to look at a spot on the wall just above eye level. <br> <br>Count from 20 down to 10 in a slow manner until you feel your eyes start to strain. You will want to close them. Allow your eyelids to close and continue counting until you reach the number 1. <br> <br>Then imagine that a long winding staircase with 20 steps is there in front of you. Move to the first step as you mentally say, "20. Going down, down, down. Deeper, deeper and ever deeper. Then take the next step and say, "19. Deeper and deeper still". Then move to the next step and say, "18. Going down, down, down. Deeper, deeper and ever deeper. Then the next saying, "17. Deeper and deeper still." <br> <br>Continue this until you reach the last step and imagine that the staircase has led you to a door. Open the door. Open it and see what is there. This is your special sanctuary where you are relaxed and safe at all times. <br> <br>Once you enter your sanctuary perform the mental exercise given above. When you are finished your exercises, count up from 1 to 10 telling yourself that you are becoming wide awake with every number. You will find that when you return to normal consciousness you are fully revitalized yet calm and relaxed. Perform your self hypnosis everyday for 30 days and you will have created permanent changes in your mind and body. Now that you understand the process involved with self hypnosis and now have the skills to bring yourself into a hypnotic trance, the changes you can make and results you can create are only limited by your imagination! Have fun.