Living on Purpose: One Rock at a Time

Word Count:

We’re so busy trying to get it all done -- and trying to get it all done right -- that we sometimes miss life in our hurry to get to the goal.

centering,meditation,awareness,life energy,hurry hiking,time management,priorities,power of presence,being in the moment,personal power,presence,taking charge of your life,purpose,values,living on purpose

Article Body:
I just got back from Colorado where I spent a week relaxing, re-energizing and revisiting the key values in my life. The lodge where I stayed is called Peaceful Valley, and it has a chapel on the premises. I’ve been to Peaceful Valley and to this chapel many times over the years. The chapel is at the end of a steep ten-minute hike, which has become a ritual for me. The view at the top -- a part of the Rocky Mountain range -- is breathtaking.

On the way down one morning I was in a hurry and going too fast for the terrain. I nearly fell. There were lots of rocks, and it was easy to hit a wobbly one and slip. 

I slowed down, took a deep breath, and placed my foot down purposefully on the next rock, and then the next. I soon sped up and had to slow myself down again.

I decided that even if I was late, I would place each foot consciously every time I took a step. It took a lot for me to do this. But it turned out to be an amazing centering and meditative practice. One rock at a time -- that's all I chose to think about. And I was suddenly more aware of everything -- the sound of the wind, the chattering of birds and squirrels, and the light of the early morning sun on the golden aspens. 

I thought: I could do this more often. Be here now. Feel the touch of my foot on the rock. Feel the steering wheel as I drive. BE at the stop light, instead of minutes or hours ahead at the destination. Hear the birds outside my office window.

I begin to think that multi-tasking is overrated. The really hard thing is to be fully present in one place at a time.

How aware are you of this moment? Does life seem to speed up so much that you miss some of the most important parts? Take a moment right now and breathe. Count to 5 on the inhale, and count 5 again on the exhale. Take the time. It’s now that you’re alive, not yesterday and not tomorrow. Now.

"Centering is the art of being fully alive. And wherever the art of centering is practiced, things change dramatically."
-- Tom Crum, "Journey to Center"

Wishing you good energy in every moment!