Title: Discover Your Path to Success – Part 4 Word Count: 485 Summary: As humans, we have progressed in so many ways, but we have lost touch with our bodies, nature, and the power of prayer. There seems to be a spiritual renaissance, of sorts, going on in the “new age” movement. Keywords: health, healthy, fitness, fit, motivate, motivation, self, improve, improvement, self improvement, discover, discovering, path Article Body: In Part Three, I promised we would get into the resources. Before we do, however, let’s discuss a treasure that most of us have been exposed to, but don’t take nearly enough time out of our day to focus on – the power of prayer. This may offend some people, but I hope it does not; as that is not my intent. As humans, we have progressed in so many ways, but we have lost touch with our bodies, nature, and the power of prayer. There seems to be a spiritual renaissance, of sorts, going on in the “new age” movement. However, there are a large number of children growing up with no spiritual guidance at all. There are many reasons, and excuses, for this, but a large portion of this generation of children could grow up, out of touch, with their spiritual health. Always remember that “whole health” deals with mind, body, and spirit, as they are interconnected. If these three components are healthy, you are in good shape at any age. What does this have to do with success? Well, God does make the ultimate ally. Your prayers do honor God’s presence - by giving thanks, and asking for help, in times of need. You will feel much better, and prayer applies to every religion. Personally, the importance does not lie in what religion you are; however, a lack of religion does seem to run parallel with depression. This is classified as spiritual illness, which will have a negative effect on you mentally, physically, or totally. The concept of God does not apply to all religions, but the concept of prayer does. If you try it, you will heal from the inside - out. The following resources start from classics that my Grandfather gave to me as a child. The Law of Success, by Napoleon Hill - 1928 How to Win Friends and Influence People, by Dale Carnegie - 1936 Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill - 1937 The Power of Positive Thinking, by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale – 1952 All of these books can be found in audio format, which makes them very handy, especially if you are commuting in your car. Each of these books can also be found on my desk, or in the book case, in my office. Over the years, I had to replace some of the old books my Grandfather gave me, as the worn pages separated from the bindings. I extend my apologies to the many other great authors, who I did not list; that would be a very large book, within itself. The fact is - this is a good starting point before venturing out and discovering the hidden treasures in print, eBooks, or audio books. Now you have the last hidden treasures to carve your own path to success. If you put these principles into action, there is no way you can fail. May your journey be a pleasant and safe one.