Title: Keep on Track with a Vision Statement Word Count: 860 Summary: If you saw the movie “Vision Quest” you saw a young man with a vision and he went after it did what was necessary towards his vision. Today we all need a Vision and the best approach is a Vision Statement to assist you in achieving what you deserve. Keywords: Vision,vision works,vision statement,vision & mission statement,deserve,i deserve,goal,goal setting,action plan,influence,personal goal,personal goal setting,vision quest,self talk,self confidence Article Body: What is a Vision Statement? It isn’t the vision or dream you have every once in awhile about the car or house or lifestyle you want to have. It is not part of your “wish” list that says some day I would like to have, “_____”. Why do I need a Vision Statement? I am getting along just fine with the way things are, I am paying my bills and working my way up in the JOB I have why do I want to rock the boat. Psychologically you live in the present, you look at what you have, what you do and who you are in the “present” not in the future. You get up each morning and see where you live, what you drive, where you work and what you do each day and every week as it is right now. To take advantage of your Dreams to Achieve Your True Worth you need to start seeing your life as it will be as you start living in your True Worth, your new lifestyle. But how do you do this since you only see your life in it’s present tense? How do you use the power of your mind and start moving into the “YOU” you deserve to be? Gary has always felt that everyone “Deserves To Have It All” and his desire is to assist others in Achieving Their True Worth and having it all. http://turkiyespot.com/sandgmarketing.com</a> superstar@sandgmarkting.com