Title: Kindness and Motivation Tips Challenge Groups to Make a Difference Word Count: 563 Summary: Do you belong to a group that helps make a difference in people’s lives? Does your group struggle to find ways to help others? Tired of the same old Bake Sale-Car Wash routine? Put these 5 tips into practive and your group <B>will</B> make a difference. Keywords: Acts of Kindness,motivation tips,make a difference,change the world,group projects, Article Body: Kindness and Motivation Tips Challenge Groups to Make A Difference <P>Do you belong to a group that helps make a difference in people's lives? Does your group struggle to find ways to help others? Tired of the same old Bake Sale-Car Wash routine?</P> <P>Below are five ideas your group can use to make a difference. These come from the e-book, <a href="http://turkiyespot.com/101WaysSeries.com</a>" target= "_blank"><I>"101 Ways to Change the World.</A></I></P> <P>1. Organize a Group or Neighborhood Yard Sale and contribute the proceeds to a worthy cause. One neighborhood adopted an orphanage in Thailand and worked together to send thousands of dollars from their garage sale. In addition to the money they sent, neighbors became closer and new friendships were made.</P> <P>2. Organize a Homeless Shelter (or other needy group) Scavenger Hunt. You'll need a group of people - the more, the better.</P> <LI>Call the Homeless Shelter or group and ask for a list of needs <LI>Ask them to put the things they need most or get the least of, at the top of the list. <LI>Assign point values to each item - with the most-needed items getting the most point value. <LI>Send everyone out with their lists - let them know that the team or person that creates the most points with what they bring in, will win the contest. <LI>Either put up a prize yourself or ask a local restaurant if they will provide a free meal to the winners. <LI>Younger adults really enjoy the search for items and what a great lesson - it's fun to give to others! <P>3. Have a Toy Drive for a local Battered Women's Shelter, Safe House or Homeless Shelter that has kids. The toys don't have to be new.</P> <LI>Have members go around their neighborhoods <LI>Ask each family to donate 'gently used' toys their kids don't use anymore. There will be tons - what a great way to involve kids in the joy of giving! 4. If you play a sport, have your teammates bring in their old equipment. Much of it will still be in good shape. <LI>Donate it to a team in a less fortunate part of town <LI>Find a group overseas to receive the equipment for teams in their own country <P>5. A group of 50 of classmates went to their Community Center.</P> <LI>They painted it, fixed the chairs, and basketball hoops. <LI>They bought more balls and equipment with money raised from a School Rummage and Bake Sale. <LI>They repainted the lines on the courts and planted some flowering plants in the front. <LI>A few dads repaired the Jungle Gym, the slide and the swings out back. <LI>Then they painted all of them rainbow colors and weeded the back lot. They had a lot of fun and made a big difference at the same time! And the children learned the value of caring about others. <P><B>Remember, your ability to make a difference depends on your choice to do it.</B> It's just that simple. So visit http://turkiyespot.com/101WaysSeries.com</a> and download a copy of the e- book, <I>"101 Ways to Change the World</I>. Choose the ways you want to make a difference and then <B>DO THEM!</B></P>