One Kindness At  A Time Makes a World of Difference -5 Caring Tips

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Do you want to make a real difference in the world? Is there something you’d like to change - some way to find your own purpose for being on this earth?  Learn 5 practical ways that you can show kindness to people for which you come in contact.

difference,purpose,kindness,good deeds,giving,surprise gifts,caring

Article Body:
Do you want to make a <B>real difference</B> in the world? Is there something you'd like to change - some way to find your own purpose for being on this earth?

<P>You know, you don't have to do take-on-the-whole-world-by-yourself projects. The easiest and most effective way to change the world is for each of us to do one small kindness at a time. One kindness has a ripple effect, with far-reaching consequences you may never know about.</P> 

<P>Below you will find five ways you can make a difference from the e-book, <a href="http://turkiyespot.com/101WaysSeries.com</a>" target= "_blank"><I>"101 Ways to Change the World".</a></I> Many things can be done that don't cost a lot - just a small investment of your time.</P>

<P>1.	Give anonymous surprise gifts to co-workers or friends - with a note telling them they matter. It doesn't have to be much to let them know someone cares, how about:
<LI>a candy bar</LI> 
<LI>one cookie</LI> 
<LI>a flower</LI>
<LI>something you have lying around your house</LI>
	Every time, it will be the fun of knowing someone cares that will make their life better - just by giving a little time and thought to someone else.</P>

<P>2.	Give away a professional service - offer it FREE once a week, twice a month or once a month to someone who needs it. 
<LI>Free dental cleanings</LI> 
<LI>Free house cleaning</LI>
<LI>Free meal at your restaurant</LI> 
<LI>Free accounting service</LI></P> 

<P>3.	Form your own "Good Deed Patrol" for a fun way to change your world.
<LI>Watch for people doing something to make a difference in the community. Listen to conversations to discover these people.</LI> 
<LI>Talk with your radio station or local newspaper and ask if they will include a small section in the paper or a small spot on radio programs to say THANK YOU to these people - it doesn't have to be much.</LI>
<LI>Think how excited someone would be to open the paper and see a THANK YOU NOTICE to them for something they did.</LI> 
<LI>Since no one will know who the Good Deed Patrol is, this might encourage people to do their best at all times!</LI></P>

<P>4.  Respond with kindness every time someone is rude or mean to you. One lady was treated very rudely by an attendant at her gas station. She responded by taking him a plate of cookies and telling him to have a nice day. Now he goes out of his way to be nice to her. Each of us can <B>choose</B> to respond this way!</P>

5.  If you like to give parties, you can make an even bigger difference.
<LI>Throw a big party and invite as many people as you can fit.</LI> 
<LI>Their "ticket" to the event will be a bag of groceries for a local food pantry.</LI> 
<LI>Make sure to send along a list of what the Food Pantry needs most.</LI>

<P>There you have it - just a few simple ideas to get you started. If these didn't spark your imagination, go to http://turkiyespot.com/101WaysSeries.com</a>  to download a copy of the e-book, <I>"101 Ways to Change the World".</I> Let's start a kindness revolution!</P>