The “Find Your Why” Challenge

Word Count:

My personal mission statement is “You must be absolutely clear about your goal and 
be relentless in your pursuit of your “WHY”

You Why, Success, Challenge

Article Body:
As many of you have heard me say, you must know your WHY in life (your ultimate 
purpose) in order to deal with such issues as:
•	Why recruit?
•	Why deal with traffic in the morning?
•	Why come in early and work late?
•	Why deal with certain clients?
•	Why introduce your business to people on a daily basis?
•	Why work and plan over the weekend?
My personal mission statement is “You must be absolutely clear about your goal and 
be relentless in your pursuit of your “WHY” and reading your WHY card for the first seven
 minutes upon rising is the secret to cementing your WHY into your heart.  In turn, this 
will direct your actions as you progress through your day.  You will begin to see yourself 
handling some of your challenges a little differently, because you know WHY.  You will 
not be afraid to deal with the challenges as you proceed towards your WHY.  An example 
of a WHY card is:
I will deal with all the challenges of today, because my WHY is to spend more 
time with my family, provide for my children's education, have the finances 
needed to take regular family vacations and be a mentor to my kids.  I will be able 
to donate a percentage of my earnings to my church or favorite non-profit 
organization.  I will be a successful entrepreneur and build an ethical, profitable 
business for me and my family.
I challenge you to re-evaluate where you are today and where you wish to be 5 years from 
now. Then, decide to take action and write a personal WHY card that you will read daily. 
“...write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it.  For the 
vision is yet for an appointed time but at the end it will not lie.”
You need to accept my challenge and write a WHY card!  This step will totally empower 
your life. I would love to read your WHY card so feel free to e-mail it to me 
