The Clutter Queen

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Discover how to create space in your environment for Artful Living.  Get rid of your unwanted stuff or whatever is simply not working in your environment. Attract positive change and seriously move  stale energy out, starting with your neglected clutter
using this easy and fun 5 step process. You will get organized with minimum effort and time involvement and without the possibility of mistakenly discarding valuables. You will prepare a foundation that attracts new, fresh and exciting energy.

Lifestyle Tips for Artful Living By Shirley Anderson, Free Interior Design Tips, Fabric Ideas,  Home Accessories, Decorating Tips, Minna Street Life Free Newsletter, San Francisco Artists, San Francisco Designers 

Article Body:
If you are looking to attract positive change and seriously move  stale energy out, start with your neglected clutter.  Getting rid of all the things you are not using will create space for new energy and movement.

I’m a firm believer that

* if it doesn’t work… 
* if you can’t remember when you last used it....or… 
* if it doesn’t make you feel good …then…

Now, I know… sounds easy doesn’t it? Then why do we all have so much clutter?

Here are some tips and techniques that have worked for me to move unused items from my life.

You see I’ve tested them on my own personal clutter and I know they work.  First you will need some bankers boxes (you can get these anywhere you purchase office supplies).  Bankers boxes work the best because they have lids and are stackable. And a hand-held recorder (you can get one cheaply at any electronics department).

Here’s what you do to quickly eliminate your clutter:

(1) Label the boxes anyway you like …maybe with a letter (A, B, C etc) or with a color, green, red, orange…… 

(2) Go around and start putting your dear clutter in the boxes while recording the contents with your recorder. (You can do this little by little whenever you have a spare few minutes).  

(3) When the boxes are full, stack them neatly in a closet, garage, attic, etc….anywhere where they are out of sight.
(4) When you have a little time, sit down, play back the recorder and transfer the information to a spreadsheet, word document, index cards or whatever system works best for you. (By indexing you can easily find and retrieve anything you might have mistakenly filed away). Simply look the object up in the index to find the appropriate box and go get it! It’s that easy! 

(5) After a time, if you find you really don’t need all the things you have stored, You can donate usable items to your favorite charitable organization. You can have a garage sale and make some cash, or You can make money by starting your own on-line store on eBay And...

You can have fun by giving your clutter a second life!
A good rule of thumb is 

“If you have not used it or thought about it in a year then you probably don’t need it and you can let it go”

The great thing about this process is that it overcomes the two main obstacles to clearing clutter. First, you may have thrown something away only to realize later that you really needed it. So now you are reluctant to throw anything away. Secondly, you believe that it can take quite a chunk of time to do a really good job of sorting and eliminating your unwanted stuff.  In the past, you may have started to get organized only to abandon the effort for want of time and organization and ended up with a bigger mess on your hands. 

The Clutter Queen's five step process eliminates these obstacles because the sorting can be done extremely quickly without the possibility of discarding valuables.

Doing these small things is your first step in creating  space for new, exciting ideas and energy. 
Get ready for an abundance of fresh ideas and energy to enhance your living!

Shirley Anderson <br>
<a href="http://turkiyespot.com/minnastreetcreations.com</a>" > Minna Street Creations </a> <br>