Karma versus Meditation

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Is there any relationship between karma and meditation? Can the meditation pay the karma's debts?

meditate, meditation, karma

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The Karma lives with us, the karma is part of our lives from the very moment of our birth to the moment of our death, because every time that we do something and even every time that we stop doing something, that generates karma, and you cannot avoid it in any way.

Of course   that not all the karma that we generate is the same, there is a kind of  karma  that ties us  or  chains us to this life, and another kind of karma that  liberates us of the reincarnation cycle.

The karma that chains us, known as Vishayakarma,  has as fruits the misery and the lack of interior peace, while the karma generated by  good actions or disinterested actions, know as the Sreyokarma allow us to reach the prosperity and the happiness of the soul, that it is much more than reaching the simple external happiness.

Every time that we face an activity with the desire of obtaining a certain result, this throws us into the arms of the desire, the greed and the ego  demons, while only the pure actions that we do  for love without taking into account the possible consequences of them, are the kind of actions that  drive us little by little toward the illumination and the liberation.

That ones whose nature allows them to carry out this kind of unselfish  activities,  little by little realize that God  provides them of all that they need and of all that confers them the interior peace. Another form of achieving the yearned interior peace is the meditation.

Perhaps you might ask yourself why? Why is the meditation so necessary?

Because the man always acts in two dimensions, the external dimension governed by the physical senses, and the internal dimension governed by the intelligence and the mind.

The internal conscience cannot move for itself, but rather  needs the guide of the intelligence and the mind, that are the ones related with the external world, they are as the oxen that pull a carriage. These oxen are anxious to begin to walk, but to take us to the correct destination they should be educated, they should be indicated which  is the route that takes us to the place to which  wants to arrive the internal conscience. And these are the roads of the Truth, the Rightness, the Peace and the Love.

Then to liberate us from the enslaving  karma, it is necessary to teach  the intelligence and mind's oxen  the art of dragging the carriage of  the internal conscience, and this is achieved by means of the practices of the meditation and the repetition of the name of God.

And  the conscience, to be able to guide the oxen of the intelligence and the mind,  must calm and control the conflicting desires that infest the mind, and this is achieved when we learn how to point our  mind to a single direction.

When thanks to  the meditation, the bewildered mind dives in the view and repetition of the name of the Lord, the Divine Splendor able to burn the wrong and to illuminate the happiness  is manifested.

It is easy to understand the benefits of the meditation. Anyone that undertakes a task, knows that only when he concentrates his efforts  toward a single point, he can achieve the desired success. Even the most insignificant  tasks  require concentration, and the power of an unshakable effort is so big, that even the worst difficulties surrender to it.

When we practice the meditation in the Supreme Being, the mind  learns how to retire its attention from the material objects, and the life acquires a new splendor when we get aware of the Divine Essence that is inside us, and guides us into  the state of Blessedness.

How sweet is a  fruit? There's no way to explain that  appropriately, the only way of knowing that is to eat the fruit.

How good is  the meditation? There's no way of knowing the taste of its fruits until we don't decide to experience it.

Written by Dr. Roberto A. Bonomi