Title: No Idea Word Count: 850 Summary: Wonder...a sense of wonder. Isn't that where we all end up when we consider our God, His creation, the works of His mighty hand? I once had an office mate at work with whom I did this wondering out loud. One day I was talking about one thing in particular that I wondered about when she suddenly burst out with, "Bill, you just wonder TOO MUCH!" Too much? Am I not supposed to wonder, or had I crossed some maximum threshold and boldly gone where no man has gone before? Keywords: inspiration,encouragement Article Body: Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Wonder...a sense of wonder. Isn't that where we all end up when we consider our God, His creation, the works of His mighty hand? I once had an office mate at work with whom I did this wondering out loud. One day I was talking about one thing in particular that I wondered about when she suddenly burst out with, "Bill, you just wonder TOO MUCH!" Too much? Such a thought had never crossed my mind before! Am I not supposed to wonder, or had I crossed some maximum threshold and boldly gone where no man had gone before? I console myself with a line I once read or heard which, unfortunately, I can't attribute to any learned source-- either secular or Biblical. It goes something like, "The highest state to which man can ascend is a state of wonder." Sounds good to me, and certainly gives credence to my natural tendency to speculate. Of course, I've used the word wonder in two ways here: to express curiosity, which is where I start, and to be marveled and astonished, which is where I end up each time. But thinking about our God and His creation; how He works and has worked; what the promise of eternal life in His presence does give us cause to wonder. How awesome is our God! (Okay, I used the word awesome--which I try not to do, but if it can't be used in this instance when CAN it be used?) And to get from that first "curiosity" to that final "astonishment" doesn't always require thinking about the "nature of the universe" or "what will Heaven be like?", either. It's not even necessary for me to look at creation or miracles to attain that state. It happens when I consider His nature---His grace, His forgiveness, and His incredible love. I can get there in a flash when I think about His love for me. Consider the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). If you want to get yourself in a state of awe concerning God, I challenge you to read that story again and then really meditate on what's going on there. The father is waiting and watching for the son to return. When the son is sighted, the father RUNS to greet him. The father pays no attention to the son's explanations and suggestions. The son is welcomed back as if from the dead. How awesome is our God who would do that with us! And consider the father's expression of love toward the son who did not wander but who also did not realize who he already was and what he always had. I've read this story many times, heard many sermons and other references to it and yet, when I read it again and really meditate on it I'm blown away. There's another song from Watermark I want to share with you. It speaks of God's great love, how we often take it for granted, and how it strikes us again and again each time we realize we have "No Idea" how great is His love for us right now nor how it will be to stand in His presence and see Him face to face. Look at the lyrics below. No Idea (by Christy Nockels of Watermark) God so holy and true I am captured by You And all of the things You do Things too wonderful for me Things that set this heart free It's all such a mystery Oh, God, sometimes it's like I see it For the first time Oh God, sometimes I realize... That I really have no idea, no idea It feels like coming home every time I'm near You No idea, no idea Yours is a love so true and amazing There's so much of You I really have no idea. And when I think about the day When all else will fade away Where are the words to say? Is there a way to describe looking in Your eyes? When I see the mystery, oh God, Can't imagine seeing You for the first time Oh God, I know I'll realize That I really have no idea, no idea Great is the love that's given me forever No idea, no idea Yours is a love so true and amazing There's so much of You I really have no idea No idea, no idea You know I can't comprehend You Or fully understand But I trust Your heart You're who You say You are I believe I believe with all that is in me No idea, no idea It feels like coming home every time I'm near you No idea, no idea Great is the love that's given me forever I really have no idea, no idea, no idea Yours is a love so true and amazing Practice His presence today. Spend time expressing your love for Him, thanking Him for His unbelievable love for you. Acknowledge to Him that you often have "no idea" how "great is the love that's given you forever." Love, Brother Bill