Title: Four Steps to Combat College Stress Word Count: 311 Summary: You're back to school and trying to balance exams, papers and projects. Meanwhile, the cafeteria food has you homesick for some good cooking, and your roommate's pile of clothes is oozing into your side of the room. Keywords: Four Steps to Combat College Stress Article Body: You're back to school and trying to balance exams, papers and projects. Meanwhile, the cafeteria food has you homesick for some good cooking, and your roommate's pile of clothes is oozing into your side of the room. If college stress is more than you can handle, take these tips offered by CyberWize.com, maker of Vital StressX, a supplement designed to help the body cope with stress: * Get organized. When your work space and schedule are organized,the rest of your life becomes better organized. Take time to sort your papers into files by subject, putting your books on a bookshelf and clearing your desktop every day. Next, get an organizer or PDA and start putting due dates and social activities on the calendar. * Discuss any problems with your professors or an adviser. Take advantage of the knowledge your adviser has in helping you manage your schedule and combat any problems you are having with certain subjects. * Maintain a balanced lifestyle. It's important to eat, sleep, and exercise regularly. Eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, and carry light snacks with you to maintain your energy throughout the day. Aim for eight hours of sleep each night, and exercise for 30 minutes at least three times a week. * Supplement your routine. Studies have shown some all-natural supplements, such as Vital StressX, can be beneficial in the fight against stress. Vital StressX contains a combination of seven herbs, known as adaptogens, that have been shown in clinical trials to control the production of excess amounts of cortisol. These adaptogens were discovered by Soviet scientists nearly half a century ago and are believed to help your body adapt to stressful conditions, boost energy and endurance, and help sharpen your memory and alertness. "Vital StressX facilitates focus and concentration, reducing stress and promoting success," said Dr. Robert D'Amico, a specialist in osteopathic medicine in Tarpon Springs, Fla.