Title: Getting rid of anxiety: Living in the Present Word Count: 459 Summary: This powerful technique helps you to get rid of anxiety and worries, and allows you to focus on the present. As a result you gain calm and a more positive attitude. Keywords: getting rid of anxiety, living in the present, positive technique, having a positive attitude Article Body: I used to be a person who worried about imaginary events in the future, and I let my imagination play havoc with me. My worries and my anxiety would not let me focus on whatever I was doing. Furthermore, I was aware that I was being controlled by my worries and that upset me even more - I would put myself down and say to myself, "What sort of person am I that I'm letting myself be controlled by my imagination?" Fortunately, I came across some readings that allowed me to see the light. I learnt a few techniques that put me in control of myself straight away. I observed that getting rid of anxiety and worries was not such a difficult task after all. I am sharing today this powerful technique with you. It is the "This Is Me Doing This" positive technique: getting back to the present (and only the present). A distracted mind is a field where concerns and worries grow easily. Paying attention to what you are doing is key to live a happy and fulfilling life. Having a positive attitude naturally follows. Decide to get back to the present. For example, if you are washing dishes, start by saying to yourself "this is me washing dishes". Repeat it calmly, focusing on the very act of washing dishes. Name that which you are doing. As you repeat to yourself "this is me doing (whatever)", you start feeling relaxed. Other matters loose importance; you're giving orders to your mind to actively focus on what you are doing, and only that. When you move on to the next task, keep on telling yourself what you are doing. "This is me walking upstairs", "this is me feeding the cat", etc. Feel how more and more calm comes to you as you keep on repeating "this is me doing (whatever)". After a few minutes of keeping focused and repeating to yourself what you are doing, you will probably experience a feeling of well-being. All stresses and worries may seem past or worthless. Keep focused. Talk to yourself positively in between telling yourself what you are doing. Say "this is me brushing my teeth" (for instance), followed by "I am calm and I am enjoying the present", "this is me brushing my teeth", "I feel good and relaxed". The benefits of this technique are powerful and almost immediate. It allows you to focus on this present rather than letting your mind play with hypothetical events. It shuts all unnecessary worries and anxieties. When practised regularly, this technique gives you the chance of being more aware of who you are, where you are, and what you are doing. The very first step to choose the life you want! http://turkiyespot.com/the-benefits-of-positive-thinking.com</a>