Title: Law of Attraction – These 7 Things Are Holding You Back Word Count: 602 Summary: Have may have heard this common saying "I take one step forward but seem to fall back several steps soon after." In the pursuit attracting the things you want you must learn what hold you back in the first place. Keywords: law of attraction, attraction, manifesting, manifest, money, mind Article Body: Do you really want to master the law of attraction and get what you want every single time? Of course you do! We all deeply desire to master the law of attraction and to be able to manifest all that we desire. The truth is law of attraction is your willing servant if only you would treat it as such. Unfortunately we have several things which get in the way of really allowing it to flow into our life and support what we truly want as apposed to what we don’t want. Here are the 7 things which block the flow and hold us back from attracting what we want. The secret in knowing these 7 things is to actually work on eliminating these things from our lives. From there it’s all fun and manifesting becomes quite easy. 1) Negative People – We can all attest to have conversations or being in the company of others whose outlook on life can be quite dismal. Its painful to let go of those people as some of those people may very well be family members but truly you know it, the negativity is not unlike having a led ball chained to your ankles. 2) You Limited Beliefs - Yes whatever old believes you hold dear to you may be causing destruction in your life. You have to become aware of what they are in order to move on to a higher energetic flow. Poor limited believes equal a poor limited existence. 3) Dwelling on the Past – There is nothing totally wrong about reminiscing on the past but the danger lies in spending hours upon hours recalling things which are painful, limited and destructive. As you get caught up in the destructive thought pattern it active the law of attraction and once again begin to attract the same old conations to your life. 4) Resentment – This is a great energy leak. It does nothing for you but keep you dwelling on circumstances that are not only in the past but are out of your control. Learn to accept what has happen by seeing the lesson that situation taught you then let it go and move on. 5) Inflexibility - You must stay open in order to allow the law of attraction to work miracles in your life. From the vantage point where you now are you cannot see the path too clearly but your own higher self and the universe as a better gage. Being open allows your desire to come though in wonderful and mysterious ways. Don’t worry about the how just focus on the what. 6) Desperately Wanting – Ever notice what is happening to you when you are deeply wanting something? When you feel a great need to have something you are feeling lack, and desperate and needy. As you are experiencing those feelings you are activating the law of attraction to give you more of what you are presently feeling and guess what you will be getting? You will get more opportunity to feel needy, desperate and lacking. Ask yourself how would it feel to now have what I want? That is the feeling that you need to focus upon and feel all the time. 7) Your fears – Your inner fears are all faulty illusions which appear real. You fear what has not yet happen and that is quite damaging to the attraction process. Let go of the fear because really what you fear has not happen and won’t happen unless you begin to entertain it in which case you will again be activating the law of attraction to give you those very same situations that you don’t want.