The Frog In The Pot:  Complacency costing us our rights, our families, our souls

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No doubt you've heard the story of the Frog in the Pot: If a frog is dropped into a pot of scalding water, it will sense the danger and immediately jump out. However, if a frog is dropped into a pot of tepid water and the water temperature is gradually raised, the frog will succumb rather than trying to escape. Well, people are similar in behavior. Call it gradualism or complacency, it's happening to the citizens of the U.S. and many other countries. Give us little doses of anything, and we...

the great satan,spiritual,religion,religious,bible,messianic,torah,church,churches,the word,jesus,the messiah,christian,materialism,stay-at-home,frog in the pot,homeschool,country,dianne james,spirit

Article Body:
No doubt you've heard the story of the Frog in the Pot: If a frog is dropped into a pot of scalding water, it will sense the danger and immediately jump out. However, if a frog is dropped into a pot of tepid water and the water temperature is gradually raised, the frog will succumb rather than trying to escape. Well, people are similar in behavior. Call it gradualism or complacency, it's happening to the citizens of the U.S. and many other countries. Give us little doses of anything, and we'll soon be swallowing whatever it is in large doses. Using the broadcast media, for an example, we've slowly accepted new levels of shock value to such a degree that we no longer notice a filthy innuendo, word, or scene, much less the lack of moral values portrayed on prime-time and daytime television. Radio isn't any better. What will it be next? Broadcaster-sanctioned molestation of children? As long as the public accepts it, broadcasters will keep dishing out the filth and immorality. Some call it a reflection of our society. Instead, it is a catalyst for society. It opens up new avenues, new opinions, new belief systems, and an hour-long peek into the subversive, seedy side of the world to our children, specifically. Yes, it's the responsibility of parents to monitor what their children watch or listen to, however, we need to realize that many parents don't, and the result is a group of people ruining everything for the rest of us- a group of unmonitored, unloved, beligerant, rebellious
With deregulation, the changes in the FCC laws, in the late 70's came a new era in radio and television, and a new era in families- one in which we could no longer trust radio or television programming to be virtuous. What is the result, and how does it affect our kids? Children, for the most part, could go their entire childhood without seeing even one instance of murder, rape, vulgarity, sex, or cruelty. Most families have it within themselves to give children a safe place to grow- a healthy vantage point from which to launch their careers, their own family, and their dreams. If we have that within our grasp, then why do we as a society not employ measures to protect our kids from the base and darker side of the human condition? Pressure, laziness, lack of parenting skills, and peer pressure from our cohorts as well as our children's peers has compromised the value system that our forefathers fought to protect. If you don't have a TV, you're weird. If you don't listen to rap, you're a geek. If you don't know the "latest", you're out of the loop. Kids face so much pressure to fit in, now. I remember stories my parents told of the depression era, when just about everyone was "poor." They walked long distances to school carrying buckets with boiled eggs in them for lunch. Their situation was tolerable because it was shared. They were a very innocent generation, who, having been through the depression, wanted to give their kids everything they wanted. There's one of the major problems. When a child gets everything they want, there's no incentive to test and grow one's character. There's no platform from which to develop character, because those children don't go a week without most of the things we consider necessities, but which our grandparents considered luxuries. 

Now is the time to assess our family situations from the home level. That's the only way we can work to change the world. I do believe this world will be judged severely, and we are getting closer and closer to that point. If we are to survive the coming years, with our faith and virtue intact, then we have to say, "no more" to the media, to friends who urge us to partake in a shallow form of life, and to shutting God out of our daily life. He should be on our minds in every situation, with our seeing His glory and love in all that He has provided, from the slightest bird's song in the morning to the mundane moments in life. He's the author, creator, and salvation of our lives. He said, "knock, and the door shall be opened." We need to start knocking...

We, especially in the western world, have become a society of what has been termed "dialectic materialism." As long as we have our cars, TV's, movies, cell phones, boats, 2-week vacations, mortgages, a steady paycheck (earned by both parents), and surround ourselves with like-minded people, we don't have to think about the have-nots surrounding us, nor the people sleeping under bridges, nor the future of our society, our country, or what's going to happen to our family lineage. It's a raging selfishness that is unprecented in the history of the world. We have goodness within us.  We just need to get it out where we can share it.  Some people in the world call the U.S. the "great satan".  We are great, but we are not completely evil.  Yes, there are components in our society that I consider evil.  All you have to do is a look for the 100 top search terms on the internet.  That will shock you.  That shows that we have a long way to go to get back to that "little house on the prairie."  It starts with each of us.  In our own home.  Sheltering our children, no matter what it takes.  We can live with less, in order for a mother to be home with her children.  We can do better.