Title: Contact Lenses And Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis Word Count: 381 Summary: Wearing contact lenses is such a pleasant and comfortable experience that only a few of us want to hear any bad news about any serious side affects of using the contacts over an extended period of time. For the most part, wearing contacts is virtually harmless. But if you have been careless about cleaning and disinfecting your lenses, it's high time you pay attention to it because protein deposits on the contacts can cause Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPS). GPS is an al... Keywords: giant papillary conjunctivitis, GPS contact lens, conact lens side effects, conact lens problems Article Body: Wearing contact lenses is such a pleasant and comfortable experience that only a few of us want to hear any bad news about any serious side affects of using the contacts over an extended period of time. For the most part, wearing contacts is virtually harmless. But if you have been careless about cleaning and disinfecting your lenses, it's high time you pay attention to it because protein deposits on the contacts can cause Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis (GPS). GPS is an allergic reaction to either the chemical of the contact lens or the cleaning solution used. So, not only should you clean and disinfect regularly but should also be careful about the kind of solution being used to clean your lens. Those who are thinking of going for contacts must make sure that the material of which the lenses are made suits them. Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis causes white lumps or giant papillae on the inside of the upper eyelids, and may cause extensive scarring barring you from using the contacts any further. Changing the contacts or the solution, whichever is the guilty party, may bring some relief, but you'll still need to stop wearing your lenses. In such cases, the best way is to find out if you are fit for LASIK, and if you are, go for it. However, it is not to say that a person affected by GPC is prohibited from wearing contacts for life, but certain precautions have to be taken to avoid recurrence. Contacts with low water content work for limited use coupled with strict lens hygiene. One may also consider switching to the gas permeable variety, which lessens the chances of the GPC. There are a few stabilizing agents that may also be helpful in checking inflammation. GPC is definitely a serious affliction and may create some very real problems for the contacts users. Prevention is the best cure in this case, too. It is important that you clean and disinfect the lens properly besides changing it frequently because protein deposits can be cleaned only to a certain extent, which means the more often you change your lenses, the lesser the chances of your suffering from the GPC. So, just be a little careful and the contacts will stay with you for life without trouble.