Title: Yowie: Man Or Beast? Word Count: 578 Summary: The Yowie is a more affectionate term for an unidentified hominid that resides in Australia, it is quite similar to the “Bigfoot” or the “Yeti”. There is a research center called “The Australian Yowie research Center”, and its only purpose is to study and research facts about the Australian Yowie. In early times aborigines viewed the Yowie as terrifying to look at, hairy, up to over 2.6 meters in height with strong bodies and powerful arms and legs. They are said to walk upri... Keywords: cryptozoology,cryptozoologist,cryptid,yowie Article Body: The Yowie is a more affectionate term for an unidentified hominid that resides in Australia, it is quite similar to the “Bigfoot” or the “Yeti”. There is a research center called “The Australian Yowie research Center”, and its only purpose is to study and research facts about the Australian Yowie. In early times aborigines viewed the Yowie as terrifying to look at, hairy, up to over 2.6 meters in height with strong bodies and powerful arms and legs. They are said to walk upright on two legs with a stooped gait. They were somehow hunched over or at least appeared to be since their heads sunk into their shoulders. They had a pointed skull and thick protruding eyebrow ridges. The feet of the Yowie were much larger than a human’s foot and they had an opposable toe. Evidences of fossils found that look like big human bones show the existence of the Yowie’s in the past. With more recent ventures into looking for the Yowie’s, researchers are convinced that they still exist, and are still present today. In 1875 a miner by the name J.H. Cambell was exploring the slopes of a western castle when he saw a hairy 2 meter tall man like ape moving through the scrubs about 100 meters away from himself, seemingly unaware of Cambell’s presence. In fear he picked up a strong piece of tree limb and stalked the Yowie for half a kilometer before the Yowie somehow found a way to disappear. In time Yowie’s have been known to exist but never to harm people. It seems that they fear us more than we fear them. Somehow we are just drawn to them by curiosity and them to us under the same pretenses. Campers, miners, and other individuals claim that the Yowie tends to flee at the sight of human beings. Some trackers even try to venture into forests to try to locate the habitat or community this hairy bunch may have. Unchangingly most of the venture’s end up either lost or tired out of their wits and the discovery of the Yowie’s civilization is still a mystery to us all. Should Yowie’s be feared? Should we just treat them like an undiscovered group of humans? Survival can do crazy stuff to a person’s physique. It is not uncommon. Just like us humans where we are located dictates how we look. If the area we live in is cold our body simply adds extra body hair to keep us warm, for those that live near the tropics a skinnier darker tan of physique is what our bodies give us. To be able to truly understand the Yowie’s we should first study our own world and the individuality of every person around us. They may still be undiscovered simply because they do not wish to be found. Yet, treating them like animals and acting as though they are mere folklore may be our only way of coping with an ever changing world that we sometimes cannot keep up with. There is a website that describes the Yowie and numerous other creatures of Cryptozoology in detail, this website is called: Unknown Creatures and it may be found at this url: http://turkiyespot.com/unknown-creatures.com</a> You may publish this article in your ezine, newsletter or on your web site as long as it is reprinted in its entirety and without modification except for formatting needs or grammar corrections.